Comment history

Flowing says...

I hope there will be an easier way to get generational land as well.

Flowing says...

Do you have a source to back this up?

Flowing says...

It's time to rethink our government's structure.

Flowing says...

I agree a culture of research and innovation needs to be fostered.

I also hope that this present government will invest in the green economy. In particular, I'd like to see a larger offering of STEM programs at the University of The Bahamas.

Flowing says...

It's time to evolve. The wooden shack-like structures shouldn't be rebuilt

Flowing says...

I hope same-sex couples are added to the Domestic Violence Act. I also hope a Hate Crime Bill can be passed.

Flowing says...

The Bahamas is underpopulated, there is plenty land available

On ‘We need more from resident billionaires’

Posted 18 November 2021, 10:34 a.m. Suggest removal

Flowing says...

Why do you equate wealth to whiteness? That's a racist.

On ‘We need more from resident billionaires’

Posted 18 November 2021, 10:33 a.m. Suggest removal

Flowing says...

Seriously, arent they the ones who preach that women and children are in subjection to men, the head of the house. Also, they love to teach spare the rod or spoil child. Their teachings lead to domestic violence.

On Churches condemn rising domestic violence

Posted 18 November 2021, 10:31 a.m. Suggest removal

Flowing says...

It would be great if same-sex couples could foster and adopt.