Comment history

Flyingfish says...

They need to put names or unique symbol/seals on immigration documents, if you give out a false document you can tracked and confirmed as a perp.

Flyingfish says...

Good Conclusion.

On m/v Legacy freed, now docked at Arawak Cay

Posted 13 February 2023, 10:31 a.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

It would be helpful if they had a proper database of workers and business with business licenses to cross-reference and check if they pay NIB.

If only

Flyingfish says...

Mr. Ray you first was treating us like pirates now we is your best friend, gee.

Flyingfish says...

Mr. Pintard, ''i blame you''. Now excuse me I have a flight to catch. - Profession Tourist

Flyingfish says...

If the government was serious about really supporting agriculture they would, be giving out freebie scholarships for AGRI major students, funding /organizing Bahamian Made labels for producer to place on products, advertising a Buy Bahamian week amongst retail/consumers, and providing industrial transport/factories to move and develop produce.

As well as offering subsidies for farmers for equipment and anything they might need.
Ever since farms like Bluefields and Lucayan started dishing out their good all I was seeing was empty shelfs. Bahamians will buy if given a good local option, the government needs to make it even easier for other companies to produce.

Flyingfish says...

They are simply thinning out the competitors, to a certain monopolous few

On Rejected web shop loses licence appeal

Posted 9 February 2023, 11:14 a.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

Wow, a government of the Bahamas ignoring the conventions of the Westminster system, how surprising. Its the government's failing to live up to its current conventions that concerns me about ever supporting a switch of governance to a republic and it explains the disastrous state of this country.

The strong practice of transparent and fair democratic tradition is important for keeping democracy. How come I can watch PMQs in the UK every week and know all about their antics yet I couldn't even tell you where to find Bahamas parliamentary procedure.

The FNM are hypocrites, they only care and fuss while they are in opposition, yet run the same poor/dictatorial standards, while in government.

In our system Backbenchers are constantly threaten/not allowed to vote in constituency interest, our upper house is rigged to the government 9 to 7, we don't hold the PM accountable through PMQs, we allow speakers to remain in political parties, we don't have the ability to redress issues to parliament/ propose bills, we don't have a platform to see what our MPs vote for, we aren't given visual access to what goes on in parliament, civil servant are required to play political musical chairs. and when ever Bahamians protest we get threatened with incrimination and reports of tear gas acquisition.

What a lie, they don't follow the Westminster system, they do the opposite and what ever the hell they want. A bunch of useless and visionless oligarchs.

I say this as a young Bahamian, as long as I stay here I will never elect one of them again.

Flyingfish says...

Yeah all is see is solutions that add more tax burden, not catching unpaid tax or cutting down inefficiency.

Flyingfish says...

Are the neighborhood watch a new policing force? Because idk understand what this car is gonna be useful for other than transporting watchmen or criminals from place to station.

I mean it would be great if they could serve as community police, but It's not clear what's the status is.

On Centreville crime watch receives car from MP

Posted 9 February 2023, 10:10 a.m. Suggest removal