Comment history

Flyingfish says...

Better than doing it ourselves. Although Blackface trudope must go, shame Canadians elected him again.

Flyingfish says...

I mean Napoleon didn't have aircraft so it was a bit more difficult back then.
You can certainly massacre Haiti if you want to using 19th century tactics and ethos. Pacifying a potentially hostile and lawless jurisdiction with 21st century tactics and ethos is our issue.

Flyingfish says...

Well I'm sure Mr. Minnis can be entitled to his opinion of the courts, as will I. However, unless he is claiming malpractice of the law, mere opinions aren't substantial. The court's job is to interpret the written law and review corresponding evidence, to decide the legal capacity and actions of a case. So either the Minnis Administration failed with provide substantial proof of their point, the act was was only recently made legal, or the courts committed an oversight.

Yet none of the options are said, so I say what ever political drama he is trying to cause he should quit unless he says the right words to say.

On Minnis: Injunction was a setback to the country

Posted 14 February 2023, 10:29 a.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

He is the foreign affairs minister so his job although elected by Bahamians is to promote and strengthen the Bahamas' position abroad. So you can't blame him for focusing on Haiti and the issues that surround it.

His mission to resolve the crisis is important, is a better solution to just having to deport ever increasing numbers of illegal immigrants every month without positive change. As long as he makes sensible suggestion and inputs into the situation that don't screw us over.

Preferably if the RBDF and the Bahamas was given authority to control and police the North Coast of Haiti it can serve to help us crack down on the "sloop trade" with a form of double end patrol, allowing us to encircle them.

Back to your point, I normally say spot on, just in this instance its aimed at the wrong person.

Flyingfish says...

Lol, so if I wear a shirt with the "wrong" word when I walk into Baha Mar a venue open to the public I can get arrested without any warning from land owners or police.

Even worse this statement seem to suggest by holding a sign on the side of the road by Baha Mar will get you arrested. I wonder if they'll allow you to walk across the sidewalk by the entrance, I hope that's not illegal.

Mr. Munroe and his boys need to not test the stupidness of the Bahamian people because we will act stupid with him if he don't stop his foolishness. The kings of stupid can't be talking to us so and think we ain't gon show his colleagues what's up. He mussy want us to show Ms Mottley, how stupid he and his group is carry on.

Hmmph, illegal demonstrations, more like no protesting unless we thinks it is okay.

Flyingfish says...

Most likely, but too be honest anyone who thinks smuggling don't go on with Bimini is a fool. Unfortunately, the fools probably missed many other shipments that pass though that tiny island.

On 90 kilos of suspected cocaine seized in Bimini

Posted 14 February 2023, 9:43 a.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

While, I am glad that sebas & associates took the effort to include mixed use development in this proposition, I still believe that this project is following the social failure of prior developments.

There is an ever encroaching development on our remaining forest and it seems that developers refuse to scale up density in their projects. We are green lighting every gated community after gated community who take up the land for luxury single family homes. Ready for every rich foreigner or the occasional wealthy Bahamian to hoard.

Then the average Bahamian will forced to become like sardines in a can or not be able to get a can from housing prices shooting up, so they end up living with their parent until 35. Not to mention that cutting all the forest down will destroy our air quality and increase temperature on inland.

Unless these projects scale up and start talking about affordable housing, I cannot see it with too much positivity. When they do scale up I hope that there won't be suggestions for 10 story towers in the middle of nowhere, as 4-6 storeys can do the same job if consistently placed.

Furthermore, whenever new developments are placed, the government doesn't seem to ensure that said developments have enough services in the area. Enough Transportation, Food service, healthcare, schooling. Like is a 2-lane road enough for the added demand. Which begs the question what do they even oversight?
They need to step up to their commission and hold standards in development.

All I can say to the naysayers is that even the article points out to the failures of past development. Unfortunately, for the proposed hotel they don't have beach access because a certain community of old forts blocked of the beach. Not just any beach but one of the best beaches on the island. Don't worry tho, if you have a boat and water/canal front property you can get there. Oh wait.

Flyingfish says...

Must commend the Starbucks franchisees for their work. Good Job

Flyingfish says...

Yes, ideas of the Past. To bad they can't run something they think of without it being bankrupt or scraping the barrel.

Flyingfish says...

I'm sorry but this sounds just like the common trope of children in the orphanage getting neglected and because the inspector is coming every thing is fixed up.

We are a democracy you don't just get to say when and when you can't have a protest because you might look bad. I can understand the push for security measures for delegates but it doesn't justify canceling or preventing protest unless it threaten those terms.

Democracy comes before Optics. If you believe in vice versa North Korea and China would gladly welcome you.

On Will COI air dirty laundry?

Posted 13 February 2023, 10:55 a.m. Suggest removal