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Flyingfish says...

I'm not surprised about the presences and ideas of "Ameriboos" in the Bahamas, but this is really taking the cake. Why would the USA want a island right next to it for any purpose.

It doesn't really help them militarily, it confuses the immigration situation, and doesn't eliminate the problems that plagued GB development in the first place.

If they want a military base they can just ask to build a new one or expand the one they have already in this country.
Secondly, it will stir up the immigration situation evermore in this archipelago. Instead of boats trying to make their way west they'll be doing all types of funny matters to get up the chain. It would give the US coast Guard a bigger job then they have now which I doubt they want. The rest of the Bahamas would be a mess. Evermore, the US doesn't want another Guantanamo Bay, this time instead of terrorist being housed, you get immigrants. Not good in their political climate.

Next thing I'll retort is the issue of Gb development. If you look at the development of the Bahamas historically, Grand Bahama was touted as the least developed island. Its lack of of a natural harbour and its flat terrain has made it a unattractive development. The Hawksbill Agreement may have been flawed but it was just a bubble that struggled till it pop due to the harsh nature of developments.

In reality the one good industry GB is stellar for Lumber is not looked at and turned down due to the mistakes of the past.

But lets say the Handover of GB cause a major boom in their economy. Is really all good? It seems that if the US acquired GB it would just disenfranchise the rest of the tourism industry in the Archipelago as well as ensure that no local Grand Bahamian will be able to afford a house in the coming future. The Bahamian Braindrain will be even more intense and economically the entire country will move closer to ruin.

If you know geopolitics and history you would know that you should never separate islands or archipelagos into 2 states. They'll only be less successful.

On Should PLP sell GB to US?

Posted 23 March 2023, 12:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

I mean America always hounds it neighbors about standing against the drug trade and even sent soldiers to other countries to deal with the situation. The least they can do is keep the guns in their own country and out of smugglers hands.

Imagine if the Bahamas legalized every drug under the sun and built a migrants camp on the westside of Andros. Then we decided that these were constitutional matters, so we couldn't intervene with peoples rights. Would the USA respect our internal rights or would they be planning an operation of regime change.

We are taking all in and repatriating all the migrants from Haiti, yet what are they doing about the guns/ammo. All we get is new police cars for our hard work.

If South America gets the flak of being a Drug Nation, America should get blamed for being a Criminals Walmart.

Flyingfish says...

I think Minnis did well with the Covid19 Crisis, he did not delay to take it seriously, and shut down the country as soon as it was confirmed to have come in.
However, when it came to Hurricane Dorian, the money was wasted and the plan for reconstruction was absolutely braindead.

What the Minnis administration should really be hounded for is leaving Ragged Island 5 years in the dust.

On Row erupts over Minnis during FNM meeting

Posted 23 March 2023, 12:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

Drugs at a customs facility, Who would of thought? Somebody was supposed to waive that through, hopefully they find them. Now if only they could find the gun stache

On Police seize suspected drugs worth $286,600

Posted 23 March 2023, 12:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

How can anyone not feel disgusting with the state of affairs if a Bahamian has to wait 10 year, a decade of their life just to get approvals. Then the foreign company comes in and stirs the pot and gets it in less than 5 years.

What else is needed for this approval?

Flyingfish says...

If whoever comes into control of the properties structure them as rentals that can be used to procure a partial amount of the outstanding fund.

Flyingfish says...

This plan is extremely bad compared to the other blunder because it goes against the historic economic narratives of putting Bahamians first and preserving/not selling off the main islands(Bahamian Land).

After Toby Smith was screwed out of a deal and them publicly denouncing the deal, by them deciding to endorse deal again it makes them look like they are partakers in his dispossession and denial.
Furthermore, as stated by approving this project they essentially have handed over a very lucrative deal to a foreigner by not only selling off and using public land but selling off customers from the whole island tourism economy. Any good businessman/economist could understand this but they are blind as ever. Truly a new day indeed

We are literally the only options for these cruise companies until Cuba opens up (for short trip cruising) yet we still let them have the keys.

This government goes from selling prized possessions to foreign companies for nothing to single handily stunting the growth of entire local industries.

Flyingfish says...

Yep, we the Bahamian people need to clean the house of this elitism, nepotism, and abuse of the law that has festered over these 50 years.
If ya daddy, mummy, uncle, granddaddy is an MP we need to say no and tell them to give it a break. We are being run aground by corruption to a point of national ruin by individuals who don't know what they are doing.

We have a Cabinet full of lawyers and the occasional doctors who are running our economy, public works, and agricultural policy. Unsurprisingly all they can do is wreck it, bleed out dry, or further destroy what we have now today. Instead the people with degrees are left with no say and are forced to suffer with the stupid decisions.

I will really be surprised the day a PLP linked official is tried for corruption under a PLP government and vice versa. We really need to vote for someone other than FNM and PLP next election for our countries sake.
If the old folks don't want to, then let it be a youthful political revolution. To say once and for we are done with the foolishness of these 2 parties. All whilst making sure the party that is elected is one that makes practical, non-extremist, yet meaningful public policy reforms.

A party which will stand independent of the Blue and Red as well as the blue and yellow.
Ending this tragic legacy left upon us by the "sunshine boys".

On Living up to nation’s Constitution

Posted 16 March 2023, 12:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

It could also be as a developing country who struggles with poverty and a careless government who doesn't regulate carcinogens in products. It would be helpful if we had a Caribbean wide food standard regulations but alas we don't.

Furthermore the link could be related to delayed diagnosis due to Covid 19 overwhelming the healthcare system. Now we are finally seeing the many individuals who would of been diagnosed coming at once.

On Cancer cases on the rise since pandemic

Posted 16 March 2023, 11:44 a.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

You telling me if the US refused to ship us any gas this country could still run. As far as I know we are country built on a vulnerable resource that we have no way of getting, yet all is a ok.

It only takes one global shortage, embargo, or war and we'll be the first ones begging. We saw what covid did. If we really want to live of to our independence we should try to at least be semi-sufficient energy wise.