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Flyingfish says...

Yes, it is very true that the Bahamas' airspace has a key position when it comes to travel.

All flights into Miami from Europe, The Caribbean, and South America have to pass over our airspace or endure a major flight delay and spend more on fuel. The rest on the east coast also relies on our airspace to access South America as well .

If we are just taking the amount needed to develop our airspace, not anything extra they'll have to learn to deal with the cost. Because it will change and only most likely get higher for the forecoming future.

We are finally getting we deserved a long time ago. Hopefully, with proper management of the funds from our airspace, they can be used for our islands airport developments, maintenance and maybe for BahamasAir funding.

Flyingfish says...

How about the government require forced sale of derelict property (with two 5 year warnings) that remains so for 10 years and redevelop it themselves into housing or commercial property.

That way there is less derelict properties, more homes on the market, and money in the pockets of the incompetent/unfortunate owners. This policy would only apply for developed properties and could be avoided by requiring the owner to register a timeline of development they will have to meet. With property become more and more harder to obtain on New Providence we cant just allow it to sit there in ruin not be utilized.

Flyingfish says...

Idk, where the narrative of the colonizers being the fault of all our problems came from. Yes they did influence us but like any land settlement by any people, culture is assimilated. The Bahamian culture is partly one of the colonizers and our identity. Without colonization we wouldn't even exist as we know it. This doesn't excuse the maltreatment of colonizers but, it doesn't justify the delusion of us being some how free by trying to change things away from the colonizer making us somehow more good. We've always held these standards as far as anyone can remember, pinning it on the colonizer when we adopted them as our own isn't a good argument.
Its just a weird blame game/deflection from what we are. Aspiring after a false idea of what we are.

Moreover the idea of Human Rights is merely and truly an idea. Although we would like to be all nice/look benevolent, countries ultimately decide the rights that they want to promote. Humanity has only loosely defined these so call rights and never enforced them. I don't mean to detract from us promoting rights of individual but the belief that it is some agreed upon and set statute is delusional. If your looking to enforce one groups idea of human rights over a next its inherently colonial in its mindset. A mindset which the author detest but fails to realize is also supporting. What rights we want to promote is up to what the Bahamian people demand for themselves not what Europe/America declares is the standard. Women rights can be improved but leave what the world think out of the discussion.

When it comes to Christianity and the church I agree legally the nation is secular but I disagree to say that we aren't a Christian nation as well. The church as an institution has made errors but just like any other institution has the right to express its opinion and your generalization of the church as a group isn't relevant to whether they get a say. Ultimately its up to the government to move the bill forward so don't blame the church for the governments failures. Churches expressing political or other ideas is up to them and are legally endowed to do so. This isn't America which has separated church and state.

We are a Christian nation because the people of the country are majority Christian, that doesn't mean that legally we aren't secular at the same time. You can be Christian and secular at the same time. Secularity just refers to law not infringing against other religions.
If Christianity is influencing politics that is legal as long as it doesn't stop someone else of a certain faith in practicing their religion.

MPs can go to a church for a government ceremony by law at there choice or a mosque. They chose a church because that is personal preference. Just as any citizen can promote their religion as long as they don't discriminate against other religions. So you can have a law be based off Christian thinking as long as it doesn't stop Muslims or etc. from doing their practice.

Flyingfish says...

More borrowing no investment. Spending and investing are two different thing, Brave. We need development not just "money" in our hands for the time being.

Flyingfish says...

Maybe put some solar panels on top of schools as well, you'll cool the buildings down, you''ll save some of the limited power BPL can provide, and save more money. Oh, and the children can maybe finally have some AC.

Flyingfish says...

Um, Brave this fiscal spending increase started under Christie, I was just a teenager then and even I knew that. Even though the Minnis' Government was pretty atrocious and unwise, he dealt with some of the hardest recessions this country ever faced back to back. Hurricane Dorian and Covid 19.

Dorian alone cause 3 billion dollars in damage plus the addition of Covid and no travel policies we weren't earning anything. Countless governments failed to keep their promises to diversify the economy and we suffered dearly for that, losing up to 22% of our GDP. We only survived because our mega resort tourism economic model and American tourist cap we have over the region.

There was no way we were leaving 2021 in any other state than the one we were in, if VAT didn't increase the sad thing is I doubt the treasury had enough to last that time. Even if that was economically taxing and stupid.
Our inefficient and overgorged civil service, constant wasteful purchases (like the domes), and the failure to preserve structures only are some of the many critical expenditure flaws. Now we can add unnecessary shows of grandeur, excessive travel, and a legal system which refuses to punish lay fines on corporate offenders to the the list.

On ‘Era of fiscal mismanagement’ at an end

Posted 23 February 2023, 11:29 a.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

Exactly, its like some cult seeking eternal appreciation. The more and more I hear from those of the generation I only learn, that everything is not as glorious as described in school.

Sure we established many good institutions and built up the nation, but along they way we were plagued by corruption, nepotism, dealings with drug lords, failing industry, authoritarianism, and mass hysteria(white washing of history)

I only worry about those less proficient historical minds

On Foulkes calls PM claim ‘untruth’

Posted 23 February 2023, 10:58 a.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

Cuba is the last place you should be breaking the law, it's a dictatorship, its like people seem to forget this. The have strict law enforcement and militant governance. This isn't even his first time. If law allows him back, good for his sake, however he better learn to stop his idiotic ways.

He shouldn't have been messing around and by Cuba nonetheless.

Flyingfish says...

I mean it only makes sense to have freedom of movement, study, and travel since were one archipelago and two nations of great similarity.

Flyingfish says...

Any administration that cuts infrastructure funding is foolish, good infrastructure can empower economies.