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ForeverDreamer says...

I mean he spoke on a video that they are so far not going to release before any investigation has been drafted in a report or any review of the findings to the public knowledge. He's insider trading but in a shooting incident. He could be 100% right in the factual basis, but his actions are nearly 100% wrong in any person's right to due process being the PO and DO (deceased).

On Munroe comments on shooting ‘unacceptable’

Posted 13 January 2022, 11:04 p.m. Suggest removal

ForeverDreamer says...

Two are hospitalized but stable due to fevers affecting mental state and possible organ damage and breathing failures causing fainting. Four others are generally ill but have not required medical attention so far. They are sub 30 years old and non-obese with no other known medical issues to me.

Your tone while apparently agreeable seems to speak to Omicron is a cold POV. I will say it's milder than when my uncle and cousins were infected early in 2020 but to say it's mild versus milder than the worst of the strains are very distinct statements. I'm glad my friends seem to not be getting sicker but it isn't a common cold, unless they did not get the Omicron strain, then that may a possible reason.

ForeverDreamer says...

This is a best case scenario that the reports of it being mild stays true for our native gene pool. But some are acting as if it's so mild that you should want to get it asap which can't be helpful. A few friends came into town before new years and they aren't really having "mild" symptoms after catching it. From fainting to being unable to think clearly enough to dial a number on a smart phone.

ForeverDreamer says...

Been on here from 2015 bud, and you haven't posted anything of valid insight since I've noticed your crazed writings over the last few months.

ForeverDreamer says...

But you gave no data to what has changed. Private islands? What is the economic change of impact? Without any relative data, it's just barking at sounds in the bush when the sounds could ultimately have been net positives...

ForeverDreamer says...

Are willing (real property, declaring your goods when travelling, paying stamp duty) persons also trying to become better than others when they demand the government to make everyone else pay up?

Y'all be in a fantasy of oppression.

ForeverDreamer says...

Where is the robbery? I know they pollute with waste/defecation water, but this was happening long before and is no new thing to suggest more control...

ForeverDreamer says...

Sheep rather a larger amount of folks die than accept science I guess.

ForeverDreamer says...

So no new person accomplishing anything should be rewarded because some persons apart of the government bloat don't have work? Smh.

On Welcome back, you did the nation proud

Posted 17 December 2021, 9:26 a.m. Suggest removal

ForeverDreamer says...

Can we not promote this oligarchical power grab that is the BMDA? The people that want to tell consumers which cars are suitable and which aren't? This article isn't even based on any real event. They don't name the org that is "feeling the hit" of these oligarchs not being able to overcharge them for some custom vehicle order?

He's "hearing", jesus, what about journalism? No one could check market data or make a few calls to confirm?

On Embassies hit by 75% auto delivery plummet

Posted 20 October 2021, 10:19 a.m. Suggest removal