Comment history

ForeverDreamer says...

You are in support of the slavers of Haiti and the tragedy of the world powers allowing France to impose the penalty for escaping bondage?

I am assuming, you are or a European descent based on your name, correct me if I'm wrong, but if so, that's rather telling.

ForeverDreamer says...

What about the natives enslaved and kidnapped as presents/proof to the european investors?

ForeverDreamer says...

Based on your username alone, you announce yourself to be against the entire movement of not protecting those who would have wanted slavery and pain for non-whites.

It's not even that the statues existed during this time or was erected in that era. Keep hanging on to the imperial symbols of idiocy.

ForeverDreamer says...

You misspelled your own username. Also, when the person being celebrated or not removed from statues would not want my fellow non-white Bahamians to have freedom or a real place in society, I can't see the reason to die on that hill.

ForeverDreamer says...

What are you talking about or citing? This seems so random. When has murder in the title been disallowed when reporting on a murder?

On Fatal stabbing of PLP worker

Posted 15 September 2021, 4:59 p.m. Suggest removal

ForeverDreamer says...

While I haven't reviewed the agreements or am I in agreement with the stated policy change, this would not apply to new companies.
A redundancy cap is in relation to long term employees being 2weeks per full year of employment. What you are suggesting is a company would not make a new venture because in twelve (12) years it would have to pay double. While this would hurt older companies disproportionately if it applies to employments dates before this agreement, it does not apply to what you specifically called

ForeverDreamer says...

Which country has 100% vaccination rate? Do you mean the recommended population at that time, probably being people 18+? Or do you mean 100% as in toddlers, newborns, immunocompromised?

Assuming you are not being ridiculous, and you mean the former, I don't think any country has made it to 100%. If you have the info, it would be interesting to review.

ForeverDreamer says...

So you don't have any instance then?

On ‘PM has no choice but to go early’

Posted 12 August 2021, 10:20 a.m. Suggest removal

ForeverDreamer says...

Are you claiming you require this for any IV, prior vaccine shots, Mantoux test, etc? Or are you implying there is something to suspect about these public donation of vaccines?

ForeverDreamer says...

Which corruption, which waste and which incompetence?

I'm all for criticizing government, but our people love to denigrate and have no accountability to illustrate their claims in a coherent manner. What would have been different under a different administration for the pandemic and how can you know that? What leader do you suggest would have made better decisions and are willing to say you believe in this person over that?

On ‘PM has no choice but to go early’

Posted 21 July 2021, 12:45 p.m. Suggest removal