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ForeverDreamer says...

LOL, care to speak in reality and not sky daddy code?

ForeverDreamer says...


ForeverDreamer says...

What water quality events have occurred where WSC has supplied dirty salty water? I would strongly disagree unless you are speaking anecdotally.

ForeverDreamer says...

I have in my possession at least 5 judgements where in which the tribunal did not agree that renewing a contract made an employee "non-permanent" and termination pay had to be calculated in a permanent measurement and not on the contractual basis. So, unless you have other information, you may be assuming.

ForeverDreamer says...

What do you mean by that? What part of this is a circus?

The world is definitely not watching this court case. The UN human rights barely cares. So please elaborate.

I say all this because too many times my fellow Bahamians say this, but have no single piece to refer to where we are behaving like a circus or are behaving under some standard set by comparable sized countries. If perhaps, your statement was just to have a snide remark based in some fantasy, then carry on.

ForeverDreamer says...

Pardon me, but you seem to have a very incorrect notion of NIB floor and ceilings. I would encourage you to look up per the NIB website the taxable wage calculations. There is no floor of having to make more that "25,099". However, if you are then referring to the insurance ceiling, one can only be taxed at maximum on the first 710 BSD weekly or 3,077.00 monthly finally 36,924 per annum.

ForeverDreamer says...

This would make sense, if the labor cases by the Tribunal have not been in favor of employees who were essentially denied permanent status through contracts.

ForeverDreamer says...

Which leader was "right with god" in you estimation? Trying to understand by which measure do you hold a true leader at.

ForeverDreamer says...

The rest of the world? One major place, such as Canada seems to disagree completely with the statement.

ForeverDreamer says...

Quite literally yes. It seems almost like they are doing a friend a favor who will try to strike a PPP deal with only real benefit to his long term property holdings/businesses.