Comment history

ForeverDreamer says...

I'm so sick of these drastic comments. First, it was government control practice. Then it was a cover for "5G population control", then it became vaccine injection mind/body control or sterilization, now it's "it's just too risky".

I would argue that, the same persons have held 3 or 4 of these positions since March 2020 to now April 2021. Stay insane, folks.

ForeverDreamer says...

I think, the simple fact that they are UK territory erases all their conjecture lol.

ForeverDreamer says...

Good riddance. He's too conflicted with massive amounts of debt he's supposedly defaulting to the bank owned by the Bahamian people. If he can clear his debts, maybe he can be trusted to not be self-interested.

ForeverDreamer says...

Please don't do this one sided criticism thing.

The captain of the 28ft vessel clearly used words to say that he was ran into. The representative used words that imply the 28ft vessel hit the smaller vessel. Unless you were to correct both their language, then it seems suspicious. Must be someone you know eh?

ForeverDreamer says...

This analysis is silly and seems to only seek to serve as a populous review of the PM in the current bad position we are in. To say this is not a take down, but then allude to Trump and pretend to walk that back is wicked guise. Agree or disagree with the PM and his party, and stand by your words. This coy snide peekaboo opinion piece does not speak well the author's integrity. You criticize his albeit dramatic colorization of the opposition's political stances during the pandemic but then perform a similar rhetorical argument by evoking the zeitgeist of the Trump administration.

ForeverDreamer says...

Perhaps after the department failed to name, punish and fix their publicly available charges of corruption a suitable candidate could be found. I do not know the rationale, but I wouldn't trust the upper echelons that refused to punish many internal criminals to be suitable for overall control. Outside leadership is a common practice when a organization is seen as systemically corrupt.

ForeverDreamer says...

The sidewalks jargon is so silly to me. The country had a depressed construction industry with many having 0 income during this time. The project was good regardless of who else was owed. Overtime is smaller priority than adding income to a 0 income period for construction firms. But go one, shout sidewalks are a waste. At least understand that it's just funny dishonest rhetoric.

ForeverDreamer says...

Miller showed his colors when the information regarding his family businesses was exposed. He desperately needs to be in power to protect his wealth or rather his over leveraged wealth.

I think, if he can clear up his financial position, then maybe he could be trusted to some degree, but at this point, it would be like putting a starving dog on the maternity ward.

On Miller insists he’ll be on ballot

Posted 19 January 2021, 2:35 p.m. Suggest removal

ForeverDreamer says...

So your ultimate take away from this was it's not all rape so okay. And then, the gay culture is causing abuse to go up?

As if we did not have a high abuse factor without any need to be influenced by foreign nations.... Just say you're homophobic and move on, rather than try quite lame arguments that it's the cause of abuse.

ForeverDreamer says...

Wrong. He's correct in concerns with banks taking marijuana related money activities. Legalization does not need involve those banks. Thus, webshops and local financial corps such as Sun transfer, Omni, may be positioned to be the bankers for this sector.

On US 'cut off' fear on marijuana pursuit

Posted 28 October 2020, 9:58 a.m. Suggest removal