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ForeverDreamer says...

Please no. I rather that government crooks than these dealers impending cars with more fails so they can market their cars as passing or their services to failed inspection cars. Please, privatize through a non car dealer, non major car part importer and non major mechanic company.

The same with letting dealers issue inspection clearance for car imports is just a protectionist stance from dinosaur car importers who refused to keep up with low cost imports, they want to now deem all your 3k cars to be failing inspection.

ForeverDreamer says...

I think you may need to read the OPBAT agreement originally in 1982.

On Saved after being adrift for eight days

Posted 23 October 2020, 11:09 a.m. Suggest removal

ForeverDreamer says...

Hold up.

It's a bit concerning that the gent called this lady and/or her organization and the result was a cop car was sent probably acting on the information that a woman was in trouble...

On ‘Act today to tackle domestic violence’

Posted 16 October 2020, 8:45 a.m. Suggest removal

ForeverDreamer says...

Factually incorrect. It would only pay 145 persons at that salary in comparison to annual subvention/contribution. When they have around 600 persons employed.

ForeverDreamer says...

What article says 20 people were shot?

On Robber shot dead in sting operation

Posted 25 February 2020, 3:26 p.m. Suggest removal

ForeverDreamer says...

Have you ever handled a weapon even on a shooting situation? With at least one other person in the car at the time of the initiation of shots, what would you have done? I guess delivered a well placed singular shot that ended the situation?

On Robber shot dead in sting operation

Posted 25 February 2020, 3:24 p.m. Suggest removal

ForeverDreamer says...

Hog Wash.

I would never support such a liens implementation when contractors consistently violate cost projections, cost controls, materials re-purposed off site of the project purchased by the consumer, flagrant disregard for best practices and aggressive billings but no ability to finalize a project in full.

Woe is me, that sub-contractors have a hard time, I can't spare a single tear.

If they were to consider such liens, it would only embolden the 40-60% of crooks population in the contractor industry.

On Cavalier's collapse sparks lien law call

Posted 23 January 2020, 2:36 p.m. Suggest removal