Comment history

Franklyn says...

why are we being ignored!!!

Bahamian Proposal To Provide Annual inspections of all motor vehicles (from Japan, US and Europe) to ensure roadworthiness during the life of the car while being used on the streets of the Bahamas ...can someone tell me why?

Our comprehensive inspection proposal which would create 300 plus jobs for Bahamians at no cost to the Government. And increase revenue in this sector by 30%

Being ignored by:
1. This News Paper (The Tribune My Former Employers) and Mr neil hartnell who don't return calls or keep meetings.
2. The Former Perry Christie Government (Glenys Hanna Martin, who kept guess from maha/utsch Germany, waiting for 4-hours only to say she could not meet with them. - 2014
3. Ross Smith - who can never give a straight answer related to the status of our proposal. 2014 - 2017
4. Brensil Roll - who received confidential company documents prior to the May 2017 elections - only to be told the documents cannot be located. 2017 - Present
5. Frankie Campbell - who also received copies of the Vehicle Inspection Proposal as the New Minister of Transport, but I am yet to receive an acknowledgement of receipt of the proposal or a response. 2017 - Present
6. Ms Sandra Knowles - Board Member (Transport) who received copies of the Inspection Proposal - Pending receipt of a response, do not return calls or messages. 2017 - Present

But what I can hear is this Government's efforts to find remedies to problems in foreign lands when a comprehensive fix to a list of roadworthiness problems, exist - and its totally bahamian and it comes with jobs! 300 plus of THEM

Why are we being ignored?…

Franklyn says...

...more like selective empowerment or as one of the person's named said to me "government is continuous" I took that to mean; the policies of the former "Christie Administration" will continue. So long time supporters and grassroots warriors who beared most of the abuse, changing government expecting a change ...well, they got a change - a change of name ...while the corrupt system of governance in the Bahamas continues.

Franklyn says...

The project was expected to include a "world-class, 30,000-square-foot administrative facility, vehicle inspection bays with full car lifts, and accommodations for a state-of-the-art information technology system," according to a Nassau Guardian report last year. It was also expected to include four main buildings: a main administration complex, a technical support and facilities management building, a vehicle inspection centre, and storage and maintenance areas.

one big problem: This entire proposal was stolen from a proposal submitted to the then Christie government. The space needed for the project was much larger than the Tonique Williams Darling Highway location.

Our proposal was first introduced to the Government on April 11th, 2014 in a meeting with Mr. Colin Higgs Permanent Secretary Ministry of Works, Mr Stephan Wüstefeld, Managing Director of Utsch and Franklyn Robinson, President of (DACS). We have yet to receive a response from Mr. Higgs or the Government related to our offer.

On recommendation of The Minister of Transport and Aviation the Hon. Glenys Hanna-Martin we met with The Controller of Road Traffic Department Mr. Ross Smith on August 28, 2014 where a more comprehensive copy of our proposal was presented which included a proposal to establishment Centres for Precordial Technical Vehicle Inspections in The Bahamas - We have yet to receive a response from Mr. Smith or able to secure a follow-up meeting.
(Copy attached)

The business plan details our group's readiness to establish the listed service in The Bahamas at very little cost to the country while providing (150 - 200) new jobs and increasing revenue in this sector by 30%.

Copied from a 2014 letter hand-delivered to Mr Philip Brave Davis (Former - Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Works & Urban Development)…

Franklyn says...

why are we being ignored!!!

Bahamian Proposal To Provide Annual inspections of all motor vehicles (from Japan, US and Europe) to ensure roadworthiness during the life of the car while being used on the streets of the Bahamas ...can someone tell me why?

Our comprehensive inspection proposal which would create 300 plus jobs for Bahamians at no cost to the Government. And increase revenue in this sector by 30%

Being ignored by:
1. This News Paper (The Tribune My Former Employers) and Mr neil hartnell who don't return calls or keep meetings.
2. The Former Perry Christie Government (Glenys Hanna Martin, who kept guess from maha/utsch Germany, waiting for 4-hours only to say she could not meet with them. - 2014
3. Ross Smith - who can never give a straight answer related to the status of our proposal. 2014 - 2017
4. Brensil Roll - who received confidential company documents prior to the May 2017 elections - only to be told the documents cannot be located. 2017 - Present
5. Frankie Campbell - who also received copies of the Vehicle Inspection Proposal as the New Minister of Transport, but I am yet to receive an acknowledgement of receipt of the proposal or a response. 2017 - Present
6. Ms Sandra Knowles - Board Member (Transport) who received copies of the Inspection Proposal - Pending receipt of a response, do not return calls or messages. 2017 - Present

But what I can hear is this Government's efforts to find remedies to problems in foreign lands when a comprehensive fix to a list of roadworthiness problems, exist - and its totally bahamian and it comes with jobs! 300 plus of THEM

Why are we being ignored?…

Franklyn says...

Time to speak out ...many of the injuries and sad to say deaths in the country (involving faulty, unchecked or poorly maintained vehicles) can be avoided if proper technical inspection of these vehicles is performed annually. Again our (Bahamas Automobile Safety & Inspection Centre, Co. Ltd Periodical Technical Inspections of Vehicles - PTI) proposal that was rejected by the former (PLP Government) and now being ignored by the new Minnis (FNM Government) - would ensure "At The Time of Inspection" a vehicle will meet manufacture recommended standards for safety.

The proposal (without charge to the government) offers annual Technical Inspection of "all" vehicles - bring them inline with the basic international safety standards or roadworthiness.

Road safety is a "universal right" and a legal responsibility for any government.

On Teenager killed in boating tragedy

Posted 29 December 2017, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

Sorry for loss Robert please accept my deepest condolences.


On Aidan Carron, loved and lost too soon

Posted 28 December 2017, 11:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

import duty is the one biggest setback to the development of the Bahamas ...where it will take most of the world x cost to start a business, that x cost here in the Bahamas multiplies by a factor of 2. Yes, understanding the countries need for the duty tax resources, being open-minded with a term payment on duty, say over a 6 month period (could ease the x-factor) while still retaining the same revenue.

On Minnis blueprint for Over-The-Hill

Posted 8 December 2017, 8:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

a perfect example of the creativity of the Bahamian Spirit, if given an opportunity our country would be further ahead on the road to prosperity ...but we live in a culture of "No" to anything Bahamian, and No! to Bahamian creativity.

On Swimming pigs perk up tourism

Posted 23 October 2017, 9:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

...and I am proud to have known Sir Etienne Dupuch personally during my years at the Tribune, a great man.

On UPDATED: Tearful PM defies Dominica critics

Posted 28 September 2017, 7:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

Leadership! we the people of the Bahamas and (Leaders in our Caribbean Community of Island States. Do stand ready to help those who have found themselves victims of the latest hurricane disaster. And we the Bahamian people stand ready to help the people and survivors from our Sister State of Dominica. It makes me proud, as a Bahamian, that the leadership role that our Government and our Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis, has taken by stepping forward in this time of need and humanitarian goodwill.

It is this example that the Bahamas and the Bahamian people are known globally, not only as a smiling face but a nation of caring souls. It is this same spirit that led many Bahamians to fight in the World War I*, again it was not our war but the true spirit of the Bahamian soul stood tall to the call then and that same true spirit stands tall today.

Ture Bahamians Standing to The Call of "HELP".

*In 1914, the Bahamas entered the First World War and was able to send out 670 soldiers to fight, fifty of whom never returned.

On UPDATED: Tearful PM defies Dominica critics

Posted 28 September 2017, 2:12 p.m. Suggest removal