Comment history

Franklyn says...

the fag xMP has shown the depth of his hypocrisy, pettiness and the state of PLP's sense of entitlement. The fag goes on with his childish rant, criticizing our democracy by disrespecting the wishes of The Bahamian People - call the process "propaganda and rubbish”. The FNM won more than 50% of the votes in the May 10, 2017 General Election and the celebration displayed on public or in social media, represent will of the Bahamian People as it is afforded to us in our Constitution, the will of the majority and not wishes is an Evil system – known as the PLP.
He should pray that his name will not show up in one of the scandals related to a department in The Ministry of Transport and Aviation.

On Mitchell lashes out at FNM win

Posted 15 May 2017, 5:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

fake info: the new car industry will tell you "oh the Bahamas has poor quality fuel so we cant sell this or that car in the Bahamas ...well, he is not selling the car because the fuel octane level is low so the car would cause more pollutants, he is not selling that car here because that car (as is the case with German Vehicles) their calibration is set electronically to perform at an optimum rate of performance, burning better fuel and obtaining better mileage. = less fuel/stronger combustion.

On Deputy speaker owned stolen car

Posted 19 April 2017, 11:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

...I hell of a lot less than some fool with bad brake running into you.

On Deputy speaker owned stolen car

Posted 19 April 2017, 11:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

A properly maintained vehicle will burn gasoline to an acceptable clean air level. working with environmental agencies and the UN (who has done a wealth of work in the area of clean air) a customized solution for the Bahamas is achievable in order to create a "Clean Air Road User Policy" and safer roads for Bahamians.

On Deputy speaker owned stolen car

Posted 19 April 2017, 10:50 p.m. Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

the more important element for me as a road user, is knowing that my fellow road user's vehicle is at a roadworthy standard where my family - my 9-year-old son can have a chance - better odds of returning home safely, because more vehicle owners would have proper technical inspection (PTI) of basic features that legally allows him to operate that vehicle in public as required by Bahamian (and International Law) - properly balance brakes, adjusted headlight ..etc. as per manufacturers suggested maintenance which is ignored.
Poorly maintained vehicles are a costly negligence for many innocent members of the public who are affected daily in accidents, suffering horrific injuries, disabilities …and even death.
Dimming of headlights and blowing of horns is not sufficient to determine a 2 – 5 ton vehicle to be safe; and fit for road use.…

On Deputy speaker owned stolen car

Posted 19 April 2017, 10:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

Again, another example of how Periodical Technical Inspection (PTI) would capture vehicles entering the country that are stolen, or vehicles with defects that become financial and health liabilities to owners, not to mention the causes of deaths.

This PLP government ether rejected (for petty political reasons) our offer to provide PTI services in the Bahamas (or wanted to protect their evil practices or handed the proposal on to friends, family or lovers) for future implementation.

The purpose of the Periodical Technical Inspection (PTI) of the vehicle proposal is to establish, in The Bahamas, a network of privately owned vehicle inspection facilities called Testing Centers (TCs). The Testing Centers (TCs) will be staffed with specially trained individuals called Vehicle Inspectors (VIs).

The primary function of the Testing Centers (TCs) is to provide Roadworthiness Inspection for new and used, reconstructed, specially constructed, modified, flood, recovered theft, collectible and street rods vehicles.

Inspection Certificates would be issued in strict compliance with the vehicle regulations, policies and procedures of the Ministry of Transport and Aviation and The Road Traffic Department.

Periodic Technical Inspection (PTI) of vehicles will make a major contribution to improving road safety and prevent stolen vehicles from entering the country - at the point of entry.…

On Deputy speaker owned stolen car

Posted 19 April 2017, 11:25 a.m. Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

Deputy Prime Minister &
Minister of Works & Urban Development
Hon. Philip Brave Davis

Dear Mr. Davis,
I have attached our Plate Manufacturing Offer for your review and direction.
The proposal addresses immediately the issues of Vehicle Plate Manufacturing in The Bahamas which will remedy the issues at the Road Traffic Department as recently reported by Controller of The Road Traffic Department Mr. Ross Smith – Nassau Guardian (…)
The plate Manufacturing is an immediate fix where we can have 300,000 sets of Secure Digital Plates ready for use in the next 30 - 60 days at no cost to the Government. The DACS/Utsch partnership will provide the equipment, technology and necessary infrastructure to produce License Plates for The Bahamas project under a 60/40 PPP agreement.
Our proposal was first introduced to the Government on April 11th, 2014 in a meeting with Mr. Colin Higgs Permanent Secretary Ministry of Works, Mr. Stephan Wüstefeld, Managing Director of Utsch and Franklyn Robinson, President of (DACS). We have yet to receive a response from Mr. Higgs or the Government related to our offer.
On recommendation of The Minister of Transport and Aviation the Hon. Glenys Hanna-Martin we met with The Controller of Road Traffic Department Mr. Ross Smith on August 28, 2014 where a more comprehensive copy of our proposal was presented which included a proposal to establishment Centres for Precordial Technical Vehicle Inspections in The Bahamas - We have yet to receive a response from Mr. Smith or able to secure a follow-up meeting.
(Copy attached)
The business plan details our group's readiness to establish the listed service in The Bahamas at very little cost to the country while providing (150 - 200) new jobs and increasing revenue in this sector by 30%.
I pray that our proposal is given the necessary and serious consideration that will afford our group the opportunity to engage the Bahamas Government in accepting and approving our offer.
Please contact me at any of the listed numbers to further this important discussion.

Franklyn Robinson (dacs id Systems)
30 Rosebud Road - Farrington Road.
Nassau, Bahamas
Tel. (242) 677-1559 or 544-9722…

Franklyn says...

this government and its cronies are making bad decisions because its not their money being spent ...the experiment with inmates operating plate making equipment will fail. Interagency projects in the Bahamas has a history of failure. Many correctional facilities in the USA are managed by corporations with budgets to maintaining educational, farming and manufacturing businesses for profit. These are not experiments where public funds are wasted and where the public bearer the consequence of bad politically motivated decisions.

Again, our offer to provide (Bahamian Made) secure and reliable source for Vehicle License Plates remains open to this Government and it is our intent to pursue our new incoming government that most of us are sure would not be so politically petty in making decision in the best interest of the public.


Copy of our 2014 Proposal: in the reply.


Franklyn says...

...what is wrong with the story?

Franklyn says...

...what will sicken you more is: a proven and fully funded solution was offered and rejected by the department - The system offered is used in hundreds of countries throughout the world and was being offered at no cost to the Bahamas Government RTD by UTSCH Bahamas.

The proposed Vehicle Plates would include these elements: coats of arms, holograms, holographic hot stamping foil, laser engraving, coding and UV marking - making the plates virtually impossible to fraud.

With the plate manufacturing facilities here in The Bahamas a reliable and uninterrupted delivery of plate to vehicle owners would be in as little as (6 minutes) from a secure environment and with little to no possibility of exposure to corruption at all stage of the manufacturing and delivery stages.