Comment history

Franklyn says...

Get ready for more chaos, confusion and delays ...not to mansion wasted public funds. The system being proposed (if I am correct and if it is ever implemented) will produce flat vehicle license plates that are different from the traditional plates now in circulation, and will no longer have the embossed plate numbers.

Quoting Mr. Smith “And so once you have equipment that is more up to date, 21st century focused, we should be able to produce plates much cheaper than we ordinarily produce them". But are we making One step forward, two steps back considering that flat plates have a shorter life usage, “fake-looking” and is difficult to read by law enforcement plate recognition equipment.

And to take a page from the past experiences at the RTD - the company providing the 21st century focused equipment (John R Wald Inc.) is not the manufacture of the equipment that the department is hell-bent on investing. But the abstinence involves in the path now being taken by the Department, may concern much more than making the department more efficient but more to do with egos and somebody's pocket.

Reports from some states also contradict the Department claim of the technology being introduce should make the cost of plates cheaper: Under the heading - Digital plates have actually increased costs for some states.
A 2004 analysis by the Florida legislature for its specialty plates program noted that some states have experienced increased costs after moving to digital plates, and cited as an example Indiana, whose costs increased by 46% after they switched to digital plates. And a proposal from 3M — the dominant manufacturer of digital license plate systems in the U.S. — for converting Florida’s operation to digital plate production would have increased the state’s per-plate costs at least 30%.

The prediction for this experimentation is – equipment failure due to poor maintenance in the short period and lack of dedication and commitment to the process in the short to medium period. Because of the multi-agency involvement, and changing priorities in budgets there is a strong likelihood that the program will fail and the public will bearer the frustration of a process that is so simple.

Franklyn says...

... can you believe this clown - the king of Clueless who mess up this country have a heart to talk about who don't have a clue about governance ...I guess PC learnt a new word today. ...just ring the damn bell before you're the first idiot to run the clock out of time.…

On PM: Minnis has no clue about governance

Posted 1 April 2017, midnight Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

The mess and confusion at The Road Traffic Department (RTD) continues and could have being remedied; had the Minister taken party politics and cronyism out of the decision making process.

Considering the countries financial constraints, a proposal by a local provider and the offer by the Bahamas Auto Safety; should have being a wiser choice - had the Minister and her advisers not being so petty. The interest of the Bahamian Public should always be about the interest of friends, family and lovers. ...the result is a continuous waste of the public funds and a perpetual frustrated system when licensing vehicles.

Bahamas Auto Safety's proposal offered the latest in High Security Vehicle Plates Manufacturing Services - at no cost to the government and The Bahamian People, and we would have plates manufactured here in the Bahamas by Bahamians and not foreigners.

Bahamas Auto Safety offered to provide the technology, training and the facilities to operate and train staff and (inmates) as agreed.

This generous offer to assist with the modernization of the Department was a two year effort and should have created many high paying jobs for Bahamians.

But bad choices and petty party politics will continue to kill us ...but who cares.…

Franklyn says...

... what was the outcome of the 100 Million dollar BOB Loans that Resolve Bahamas, absorbed?


Archives tell us that there were others who over time neglected to pay bills and taxes:

According to documents obtained by The Tribune, Dame Marguerite owes real property taxes amounting to $306,831.73 on her home in western New Providence and has not paid for at least 14 years.

It is the second leak on outstanding real property tax this year – the first was the arrears of the government’s tax consultant Ishmael Lightbourne.

The revelation also follows reports this week that Bahamas Electricity Corporation Chairman Leslie Miller, and one of his family-owned businesses, owed the corporation a total of  $239,533.33.

Franklyn says...

this story is much bigger than - as it is reported. Pollution in the Bahamas is out of control ...we are being poisoned by the thousands - and no one is "check in" no one cares.

Franklyn says...

Prime Minister (Mr. Perry G. Christie) is starting to shows signs of cracking in a desperate attempt (of political trickery) to swing the debate in the Bahamas from all of his failures, broken promises and poor judgement; and in his party’s (The PLP) poor governance of The Bahamas. The questions that must be asked and answered before the curtain is raised on his latest comical show the NHI (National Health Insurance) diversion. – And before his new grand performance is staged. The people of the Bahamas, your audience, are still waiting for a reimbursement on your past poor performance:-
• Mortgage Relief,
• Crime Solution,
• Jobs,
• Freedom of Information Act,
• Equality Bill,
• Gaming Referendum,
• Public Private Partnership Initiatives,
• BEC liberalization,
• Doubling of the Investment in Education.
You may have practiced your dance and rehearsed your scripts but I have to tell you the language has changed, and the lights are off. Your audience has left, they have seen your past performance and your tickets are unsold.
Farewell old actor, farewell you clown …you dream of being a dancer and you are preaching without sound.

Franklyn says...

..all because this PLP Government and its band of corrupt Ministers wanted to pull a deal now the country is left in an environmental mess. The young Bahamian guy that presented his project to fix the problem at the dump site had his project taken from him and passed on to friends, family and lovers ...but they failed, as they will fail with all the other Bahamian originated project that were denied only to show up as some other person’s project. ...I still waiting to hear what went down with the backdoor deal to sell BEC (what was it buy for a $1 from the Bahamian People then resell for $400) ...someone made some big money in that deal. ...and now look at the mess we have to live with, unreliable BPL when a much better deal was on the table that would have lowered the cost of electricity to $0.14 KWH using brand new LNP and wind powered generators.

Anything this PLP government touches fails ....…

Franklyn says...

disrespect is not a crime - the issue is "Free Speech" and this "clown show" we call (the PLP) wants to silence "Free Speech". I can remember while working as a member of the Bahamian Press for a Leading News Paper; I had cameras smashed, kicked out of press conferences, denied photo opportunities, arrested while on assignment, verbally abused by government officials and had a knife put to my neck while at a PLP rally.

The PLP has forgotten and always forget that they are elected servants of the people and are not entitled to serve.

Franklyn says...

Wreck a Wrecked Country, as simple as keeping Saunders Beach clean, this fool has failed.…