Comment history

Franklyn says...

...was the ranting by Perry Christie an insight into a racist self-image of himself ...or are we seeing a sociopath with no sense of responsibility for the failures of his leadership. As leader of the Governing Progressive Liberal Party and Prime Minister of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas, Perry Christie has over seen the complete destruction of our countries finances, multiple downgrades to our credit rating, record unemployment, record murders, financial mismanagement of $800 million in Value-Added Tax (VAT), record revenue decline and a neglected tourist market that has seen the cancelation of major contributors to the tourist sector and no plan to combat the threat from the opening of the Cuban tourist market.
In the eyes of Mr. Christie this is all normal.…

Franklyn says...

a failed leader that confer accolades of grander and exceptionalism upon himself is nothing more than delusional.

..the finger will be his only legacy.…

Franklyn says...

PRIME Minister Perry Christie can put on his clown face, dance and joke-around to entertain his base but the International financial community, tourist and investors do not see the joke.

Franklyn says...

...Minister of Poison and Death should sit quietly and seek forgiveness from his Lord, for his deadly silent betrayal. ...betrayer of the trust that the people of Marathon place in him.

Franklyn says...

...I would like to see the evidence that warrant such an abuse of civil liberty that a country like the Bahamas and The Bahamian people would be of any “threats of sabotage, espionage, terrorist acts, terrorism or subversion” to The Bahamas or any other country. ...maybe after we have a Bill to recall Ministers where the public can call for an investigation into cases of corruption and other evil abuses by Bahamian politicians ...our legal and especial our political system lack the basic elements of credibility to possess such powers. ...could you imagine the intimidation and abuses if these suckers can get hold of your private email communications - what an evil idea.

Franklyn says...

...I would like to see the evidence that warrant such an abuse of civil liberty that a country like the Bahamas and The Bahamian people would be of any “threats of sabotage, espionage, terrorist acts, terrorism or subversion” to The Bahamas or any other country. ...maybe after we have a Bill to recall Ministers where the public can call for an investigation into cases of corruption and other evil abuses by Bahamian politicians ...our legal and especial our political system lack the basic elements of credibility to possess such powers. ...could you imagine the intimidation and abuses - what an evil idea.

On Bid to intercept letters, emails

Posted 10 February 2017, 5:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

...all the best wish to Mrs. and Mr. Ingraham, this New Year. May Allah continue the bless you and protect you.


Franklyn says...

It is sad that the organization (PLP) that professes to be the protector of this hope, is today the source of much inequality, intolerance, and a violator of economic and social justice.

The all-important elements of the creation of a free, modern, democratic state is lost.
So, the struggle continues for many young freedom and justice loving people. Young Bahamians who see the hopes, of a vibrant future Bahamas to create families and a home, is once again seeming to be a distant dream. Threatened by todays oligarchy who has forgotten the hopes and aspirations of the Majority Rule Movement.

Franklyn says... in the bank, two homes outside of this rat hole country (away from rats like you) and don't owe nobody a cent ... fool bitch ;)