Comment history

Franklyn says...

...what an orgy of dumb comments.
LBT has sealer her own political faith and would probably end up as a PLP candidate. Starting a new party would kill what drive she has/had outing Minnis as Opposition Leader; a short-lived reality. Like a teenage girl who leaves home, only to discover that the streets are a lonely place and friends are friends only when you are playing. This ill-advised move by LBT may have frighten a few party (FNM) supporters but the seasoned party strategist see a bright silver lining in the subsequent bad move by BranMc, a move that is calculated as (the DNA just destroyed themselves) and having no relevance in the coming elections. December 2016 will become known as the date of the biggest political blunder in our political history, a disastrous move - not for Minnis but for the DNA and LBT herself.

Franklyn says...

Define Evil = the force in nature that governs and gives rise to wickedness.…

On Bran calls for Minnis to quit

Posted 14 December 2016, 6:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

...kick their asses out of the party, sellout PLP viruses. PLP infiltration, tonight should be an interesting night. Papa!!!!!!!! we need you back.

Franklyn says...

All Agreed, I do not claim to be a fan of Chinese political, moral and business ethics; but what is worse:

Swedish prime minister says his country will not apologize for an article in a Swedish newspaper accusing Israel of killing Palestinians to plunder their organs.…

Franklyn says...

not only do I know of the Uyghur Muslim Separatist Movement in Xinjiang, Tibet, I have family that live there. ...and actually the places I live are many if it concerns you.

Franklyn says...

Chinese maybe greedy ...but they are certainly not heartless.

Franklyn says...

...hell no, I will not stand to have the Zionist anywhere in the Bahamas ...this will not happen, and we must not fall for the promise of Co-Operation with this entity. These people carry an agenda and it all evil, they are like a virus, if you let them in you will have hell to pay later - just ask the Palestinians.

Boycott Israel - Stay away from the Zionist…

Franklyn says...

I understand from the Minister's press statement that the license plate are not being produced at the prison by prisoner due to the lack of basic infrastructure but being produced out of the country by a private company (which is a direct contradiction to the reason why local provider and businessman Franklyn Robinson proposal was rejected) and is a violation of the terms of the RFP.

Robinson's offer which included new (Digital) vehicle plates, a complete modernization of the services (from the ground up) included new building facilities, indoor inspection halls with vehicle bays (or test lanes) for the technical inspection of 6 vehicles simultaneously; at 5 different locations on Nassau and 12 additional facilities throughout the Bahama Islands - at no cost to the government of the bahamas> in a 15 year PPP public-private partnerships arrangement.

Mr. Robinson said he also found it “bizarre” that the “superior proposal” was rejected by the government. And that he is disappointed "knowing and seeing" for his self how the system works at other locations throughout the world, while the Bahamian People suffer the bad decisions of a selfish and greedy few.

On $8m but no plates

Posted 2 November 2016, 1:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

automation of the same old dead mindset that say Bahamians can not develop their own country ...give it all to the foreigners regardless if they lack the know how and experience. ...what we are seeing is just the vehicle registration phase; lets wait and see what happens when the driver's licenses and the vehicle plates phases rollout ;)

On Road traffic to extend hours to beat chaos

Posted 26 October 2016, 4:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

Local provider and businessman Franklyn Robinson said he was forced to close his company Digital Access Control Systems after 18 years of lobbying The Bahamas Government (Ministry of Transport and Aviation – Road Traffic Department) to fix the outdated and antiquated process at the Department.

His latest offer which included a complete modernization of the services (from the ground up) included new building facilities, indoor inspection halls with vehicle bays (or test lanes) for 6 vehicles simultaneously; at 5 different locations on Nassau and 12 additional facilities throughout the Bahama Islands - at no cost to the government of the bahamas> in a 15 year PPP public-private partnerships arrangement.

"Public-Private Partnerships PPP's were heavily promoted and encouraged by The Bahamas Government and foreign financial institutions" as a solution to the slow growth The Bahamas was experiencing on it road to modernization of critical government services.

The 2014 proposal was a joint effort involving the "top movers and shakers" in the Management and development of the Global Automotive and Road Safety Industry (companies and direct manufacturers with a long history of offering DMV (Department of Motor Vehicle) solutions to governments in 100s of countries around the world.

Mr. Robinson said he also found it “bizarre” that the “superior proposal” has received no response from the government. And that he is disappointed "knowing and seeing" for his self how the system works at other locations throughout the world, while the Bahamian People suffer the bad decisions of a selfish and greedy few.…

On Road traffic to extend hours to beat chaos

Posted 26 October 2016, 2:22 p.m. Suggest removal