Comment history

FreeUs242 says...

Let's give them free t shirts, a hundred dolla and free rum with empty promises of getting a government job or some kind of advancement. It's a game of using the public to get what they want. AstraZeneca is giving Bahamians blood clot and yet the government is continuing this vaccine to be distributed to the public. Where are those political leaders on taking AstraZeneca
& why aren't they at the sites with the public? Minnis perhaps staged that shot instead of standing in line with the people.

FreeUs242 says...

That's what they say now but it will become a necessity for employment. I doubt ppl will be hired if refusing the vaccine. White lies until you can't work without one.

On Pay incentive to take the vaccine

Posted 9 April 2021, 11:09 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

Still distributing the blood clot vaccine, another man said him and his wife right here in the Bahamas almost died after taking AstraZeneca, another elderly lady suffered as well. No age should be required to take AstraZeneca. UK is just a liar for making a toxic vaccine that no age should take. Our government is the blame for any AstraZeneca deaths because they refuse to be truthful or seek further investigation before overdosing the public. Imagine three jabs of toxin when one can cause issue in the blood. Two to three can cause more blood clot that may result to death. I hope everyone who take their jabs be safe👍

On Pay incentive to take the vaccine

Posted 9 April 2021, 10:51 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

Ppl still job hunting to come up with zero employment. Alot needs to be done with creating more jobs in different industries beside tourism. Open government vacancies as well.

FreeUs242 says...

Still using blood clot vaccines, an elderly woman is suffering right now from AstraZeneca vaccine with blood clot issues in Nassau but no one wants to report it.

On More now eligible for vaccine

Posted 8 April 2021, 10:51 p.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

The UK is contradicting the use of AstraZeneca for ppl under 30s made in the UK. It's very deceiving that these companies are allowed to do mass experiments on different age groups. Our government is still allowing AstraZeneca to be rolled out in numbers for all ages because anything that is handed down to them, they accept without question and forced on the innocent. Jobs threats daily have vaccinated staff or leave. People tired of feeling he blunt of 2020-2021 job hunting to still come to a job that will require a vaccine as a form of employment. They know ppl need to survive, so they use the jobs and health system to push Bill Gates fantasies of global vaccination.

On RBDF Commodore awaiting test result

Posted 8 April 2021, 2:14 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

We already had spies living in the Bahamas back then and still today.

FreeUs242 says...

Bill Gates is such an evil man pushing for vaccinations globally, more man made fruits and vegetables to be eaten, and now pushing for blockage of natural sunlight. He's literally overthinking his mortal state of being.

FreeUs242 says...

This guy is as cheesy as it gets! Where are these ppl during regular days of work? Election time is coming😂

On Davis backs boundary change

Posted 7 April 2021, 11:07 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

I laugh at ppl saying oh those crazy conspiracy ppl but the virus sounds just as bad. A virus out of the cave of bats, more like man made to me.