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FreeUs242 says...

I don't think their is a third wave in the Bahamas, they want ppl vaccinated like the rest of the world. I know it is a virus that can be cured with those vitamins for most. Jobs will start to require vaccines as employment document so it will be easier to take another bizarre fraud requirement. I worked on a cruise during the the start of corona shutdown. I was sick like a regular flu with a bad headache, runny nose etc... I took cups of milk, orange juice and eventually I fought whatever In the space of a week and days. Yes there is an actual pill on the market that they say infused with vitamin C but NO, the control freaks pushing for vaccines where they can manipulate ur genes.

FreeUs242 says...

It looks like some of those PCR tests might be coming in fake only to jail ppl.

FreeUs242 says...

Both Party failed us miserably, makes the public question who to trust. No one wants to trust a corrupt Government.

FreeUs242 says...

A white hat hacker once told me that the government can see into your homes and they know exactly what you are doing and the number of ppl in the home. Another guy told me that the police knows exactly what you are saying over the phone. No, I don't trust the Government. We have a Bahamian intel agency right here and ppl don't know it.

FreeUs242 says...

The younger generation in schools need attention more than ever. I think it would be great for more funded programs to exist throughout communities for the kids. Not every kid is going to have a parent that believes in them. More youth development programs highly needed to try and break a vicious cycle. If the homes and systems failing the youths, this is why crime will continue to be an issue. All crimes should be punished to full extent to whoever commits them. It's always a possibility to reach out and save what's left of the younger generation.

FreeUs242 says...

For decades our country has been fooled by what our "leaders" throw out there to hide the truth of their nature. It is sad that ppl are believing and being deceived by it. When will there ever be an honest administration who can lead by a true example of Leadership the country needs. Too long we have suffered from their lies and paid heavily for it. It seem like most people that goes into power becomes nothing but vain in his/her own eyes. An honest fool is more valuable than a pathological liar.

The government is the most corrupt branch on planet earth because they are the governing body. They control the Courts and Police system and everything in it because they have the power to overthrow whatever they wish too. They expect the country to obey the law but they are the ones living above the law.

FreeUs242 says...

Rapes, Murders, Robberies and Drugs inside the Bahamas was always on a false scale because they don't want the public to know the correct statistics. The reason why we are locked in at night is to slow crime not only Covid 19 despite crime still not being tackle by the leaders.

Two africans has been detained for months of not being able to travel back home, who knows if they are more detainees at the Immigration Gauntanamo Bay Detention Center.

Bahamians Information stored at the Bahamas National Security Agency without consent is unlawful like the CIA. Sex trafficking has always existed at Nygard's cay of exploiting young girls & women for years, while celebrating the success of his choice (party) that allowed his fantasies to continued and In-return helped them gain power in government.

Leaders are exploiting Bahamian land, co-signing hidden deals in favor of money being transferred directly to their bank accounts only to force the Bahamians to pay for it. Islands around Nassau still suffering from undeveloped facilities promised years ago by the leaders.

FreeUs242 says...

They are the most corrupt branch on planet earth. That's why so many politicians don't go to jail because they can pay the police to keep hush hush. Hywel Jone's case is the perfect example of police corruption and the courts.

FreeUs242 says...

Who's bringing in drugs and guns....

FreeUs242 says...

The upper class who catered to Nygard's pamper parties is not standing trial. It's always a double standard for the wealthy or the protected role players.