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FreeUs242 says...

Who's getting free land? Who's getting rich off the land? Who's selling out the land? Who's controlling the land? While Bahamians spend an arm and a leg to get something from the land, it's free for the ruling politicians here. Let's charge the people and make free for ourselves in secrecy because we create the rules.

FreeUs242 says...

Yes America is just as corrupt, but most of us don't live in America. The people here needs to focus on the corruption inside the Bahamas.

FreeUs242 says...


FreeUs242 says...

The way our government is running the country, we will never ever have cash in the National Treasury for a world wide crises. The same tourism income flowing inside the country goes directly back to government for their fancy lifestyles, family own businesses and funding projects that will benefit them in the long run. A lot of lies promised for years, false information given to the public and tax increase on the poor.

FreeUs242 says...

The entire world government is built for corruption to feed the needs of the upper class billionaires, masonic families.

FreeUs242 says...

Sick evil bastards out there. Thank God this child is safe. We need security cameras installed at the entrance of schools to see who's wondering around schools and lock them up.

FreeUs242 says...

Will people be given their rights back after vaccinations are completed or do ppl still have to follow those rules being vaccinated. It does not take the Bahamas long to implement those same procedures around the globe. News flash, they will give those vaccinated ppl guidelines to live by as well. Nothing really changes...

On Police on high alert to break up crowds

Posted 31 March 2021, 6:25 p.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

Falsifying important information as a leader to the public is just as bad as a fake PCR test and should have penalties for those leaders. If people don't speak up, they are allowing the Government to take control. No one should be above the Law and that includes everyone.

FreeUs242 says...

I hope soon he can be found, my sympathy goes out to his family. Along with the new Climate Project announced today, it will be great to include tracking of smaller airplanes and boats to be recorded when they fail to show up at their destination. This will be great for boosting the entire aerospace in the Bahamas to handle missing vessels/planes last coordinates to help assist with Search and Rescue team. A nuclear detector as well would be good for the new project of revamping our aerospace infrastructure. The Americans have their undersea evaluation testing base in Andros.

FreeUs242 says...

When will the corrupt politicians be put in jail for crimes far worst than a fake PCR test. The court system doesn't seem to be doing their job fairly. Years of abuse from the politicians under the protection of the courts and police. Leaders & ministers were found guilty of fruad but never step foot in a jail cell and still given the privilege to stay packed up in Government just to commit more crimes under their reign.