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FreeUs242 says...

Plz make sense, not everyone is overweight that need faster care, not every overweight persons lose their lives because of being heavy. They probably outlive ppl who aren't. There are many more things that can harm you quicker than weight. Ppl is just looking for a reason to deflect what's happening to ppl living here that needs better help. Why is there one Hospital for over 400,000.00 ppl or more by now.

FreeUs242 says...

3-5 skilled doctors and nurses can make a impact for those ppl that needs it urgently.

FreeUs242 says...

That's just a silly thing to do by having one doctor employed on the outer islands. We need more medical experts deployed to assist with threatening life and death situations given the proper equipments to do so. Why is it that Nassau is the only main treatable Center. Should ppl suffer for that, no!!! I know not everyone can be saved but it can benefit those ones that can only if they are able to get a faster medical response.

FreeUs242 says...

This just doesn't only apply to what is being written. What if someone has 30 minutes to live from the lower south because of a fatal situation that involves poisoning, It probably would take over an hour or longer just to fly to New Providence airport right...Are there not any hospitals nearby that can be accessed quicker than an hour flight ride or longer. What if the US Coast Guards not being able to assist us all the time, we should depend on Nassau only being the treatable Center.

FreeUs242 says...

We need more medical equipments and experts stationed on more islands throughout the Bahamas. Build better medical facilities so there isn't just one main source to fly to New Providence for crucial life and death situations. But again, no government made any effort to better fund the medical branch of expanding to those islanders. There should be at least 3 capable Hospital that can be access from the upper north, middle & lower south islands. Our system is not built on common sense, only greed.

FreeUs242 says...

Those countries have their own scientist, but we don't have our scientist taking on that challenge because the national treasury doesn't exist anymore here. Our country is a country that will have to accept whatever country is paying our national bill 💸

FreeUs242 says...

Keep us closed up and see if there will be any economy left for the rest of 2021- mid 2022. Can government handle a financial crises of a broken economy right now? I guess they will hire more ppl to work for government when there is no more jobs in the Hospitality Industry which is the main income for the Bahamas. Ppl are hoping to go back to work, not getting another setback of being dismissed. The 1st lockdown was chaos of ppl panicking for food, water, & gas shortages. 2 lockdown is a total wave of insanity.👍

FreeUs242 says...

Why aren't there any bahamian medical personnels who has the ability of studying the AstraZeneca vaccine hasn't attempted to research before giving it to the general population. I guess the oil is more important for further testing and evaluation. That shows you how you don't matter, just shove it down their throats because eventually they will accept it.

FreeUs242 says...

You ppl fight for bondage more than freedom. Anything someone agrees with, you wanna be a Mr. Me yes too instead of doing a thorough research. That applies to everything in life including 💉. You put all sorts of foreign chemicals in ur body not having a clue to what it truly does, only what they say it does. I'm surprised that we have no persons in medical that can study the vaccine (AstraZeneca) distributed for immediate use. They can do a oil drill test and study the possibilities of finding oil at sea but not the vaccine...kml!

On Health unions urge govt - act now

Posted 31 March 2021, 1:56 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

Ppl need to learn to coexist, it's that simple.I guess this is good to some ppl when stuff like this happens. Forever we will be slaves to the system🔗

On Health unions urge govt - act now

Posted 31 March 2021, 1:32 a.m. Suggest removal