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Frosty says...

Only thing Greenslade can be mad at was the fact that it took place without the officer with the highest rank of that station giving it the greenlight thus breaking protocols. That's it, this type of thing can and does happen everywhere else in the world after being granted, again by the highest ranking officer, permission.
"and I’m going to do nothing while I’m in this position as Commissioner of Police to sully the good name and reputation of the Royal Bahamas Police Force. "
yeah sorry not going to believe this, more crooked cops on your force than you care to admit.

Frosty says...

As a current student let me answer those for you

Have they fixed up that broke down place yet?
nope, i still get pants ripped from broken chairs

How about security, did they fix their CCTV,
Nope, friend of mine is a part of the company that installs the camera system. other than the camera's in front of the business office/cashiers the rest are for show

add more physical security, and employ any good security guards?
nope, majority of the security guards are poorly trained, old with disabilities and not really interested in their job beside the paycheck

Are people still being robbed or raped there?
Yes to the robbed, Nope to the Rape. T-Block the bane of all students existence as the crime hot spot during night classes is still improperly lit and no security patrols. Teachers and students alike will tell you, either you get robbed in T block at night or squad up with a few people.

On COB given advice on university plan

Posted 28 January 2014, 12:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Frosty says...

So has movies, real life criminal situations, books, songs, upbringing, personal situations, human ingenuity and wanton disregard for laws and human life. You shouldn't forget studies lest you focus on the wrong targets. People can be influenced by many things, just because a media medium is violent does not mean it will make its user base, violent. Those are rare cases with underlying mental stability problems, this refers to all media not just games.

Frosty says...

That is so far from truth it couldn't be more wrong. read the studies on violent video games done around the world, no connection to violent behavior, other than in china which is of no surprise. the other technological devices may play an important role in their lives and it should but it is far from the new babysitter. Parents still try to rear their child as best they can including corporal punishment if they must. They do have social skills and DO know how to resolve conflicts. If they didn't from what i am seeing they sure are good at faking it. Don't let the few misguide your opinion on the many. You might see 40 or 50 so called "thugs" in the news and use them to judge the other thousands of young Bahamians, that is a drop in the bucket. Faith is not the answer to everything but neither am i saying it is not an answer at all. Many young Bahamians strive with and without it nationally and internationally, that includes myself in the without category

Frosty says...

ah the Christian Council, they will always be a thorn in the side of this country's progress

Frosty says...

Minister Mitchell may be a bit paranoid as a result of the stress from the abuse scandal. Its not a conspiracy to destabilize the country but rather opportune moment. Right now their(the illegal cuban aliens) mindset must be that the Bahamas no choice but to handle their (the illegal cuban aliens) immigration status with due haste. Either grant them asylum, let them pass the interview to obtain asylum in another country or ship them back. Either way the Bahamas has to do it fast or they will try claiming unfair treatment letting their sorely confused miami based group loose on another pointless attack.

"This twist comes after the Cuban exile group – Democracy Movement – threatened to meet with the Organization of American States if a report detailing the alleged abuse of detainees at the Detention Centre was not released."

I Find this hilarious as their is no law that stipulates documents MUST be released to the public let alone foreign bodies not involved in governing bodies, joint international criminal investigations (this is a domestic case) or sanctioned parties that specialize in a particular area were contracted to be involved in this case as to satisfy concerned international regulatory bodies.

just me 10cents

Frosty says...

Cable Bahamas is always in trouble with the FCC for this same foolishness

Frosty says...

"...our young people who gain their education at public expense in the region are more and more moving to the United States and to Canada?"

Uh no Mr. Christie that whole public expense thing only applies to caricom countries that are willing to invest in their students. I can not comment on other caricom countries but, your students who obtain their education at COB, other Bahamian universities and even abroad leave the country because of the way it is horribly ran. A factor that has me also considering my options abroad as more USA based companies have an interest in my education vs Bahamian or Government ran ones
The majority of students who do attend tertiary institutions on scholarships repay that debt b doing as that contracted document states and works for their sponsors. So do not use us as a scapegoat in your political agenda.

Also i hope when he mentions public expense he does not refer to government subsidiaries for reduced tuition as even that is being reduced for unknown reasons , amusingly, unbeknownst to him.

Frosty says...

Always proud of our Bahamian Marines who always have an eye out whether its a colleague's home or not.

Frosty says...

‘caah for gold’ operators war not living up to their

please maintain the same standards of editing online as you do in your paper