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Frosty says...

I love how some of you can congratulate the school for cancelling graduation for maybe a moment of absent mindedness by a group of teenage Bahamians. The same Bahamian students that spent and worked hard for 12years or more if they went to kindergarten and/or had learning problems to obtain this diploma. These are the same young Bahamians who you would criticize the parents, the government and themselves about if they had not stuck out those 12+ years and ended up on the streets doing who knows what. The diploma is only half of the ending to this leg of their scholastic journey, the graduation ceremony is the other. By taking that away from them what message do you send them? "Oh because you had a momentary lapse of judgement as is common with someone your age we have decided to cancel your graduation ceremony. You know the ceremony we hold so you can stand before your friends and family and say 'look at me! I have successfully managed to get this far with your support. Thank you!'"

If the importance of a graduation ceremony is lost on you and you think the many should be punished for the few then you honestly should do some soul searching.

- Someone who has graduated with a small minority of students who weren't allowed to attend the ceremony due to SEVERE violations of the scholastic contract of the school and was not punished along with them.