Comment history

FrustratedBusinessman says...

You can currently do all of what you described just fine. As you said, they just bring these issues up whenever they need to distract the public from some darkness that they are working behind the scenes. The public falls for it every time.

FrustratedBusinessman says...

Will we have the ability to turn these off? I don't need an alert waking me up at 3am about some kid who is staying out all night in Nassau when I live in the Family Islands.

I hope that they designed this system sensibly, although I doubt it given our track record.

FrustratedBusinessman says...

Filipinos aren't typically referred to as "ex-pats". Ex-pat is usually used to refer to wealthier foreign individuals (think Americans, Canadians) that reside here, usually for tax purposes as most countries have a residency based income tax system. What you describe would probably be better referred to as migrant workers.

On AG seeks axe for African lawyers

Posted 10 November 2021, 11:10 a.m. Suggest removal

FrustratedBusinessman says...

I'm not sure why everyone thinks that national politics had such a strong effect on Virginia. Sure, it played a part, but McAuliffe nailed his own coffin shut when he told parents that they had no right to dictate what was a part of their children's education. At least the mask came off to see very clearly what these left wing wackos really think about the people that they rule over. Also, the Loudoun rape situation didn't help him either. Who knew that letting the mentally ill use the same restroom as your daughters would end with one of them getting raped? Those evil bigots with their common sense and logic.

Quite frankly, there is only one solution to the left wing wackos. America desperately needs a Franco or Pinochet to fix its internal issues. There is no peaceful way of dealing with these "people" so completely deprived of their mental faculties that they want to throw you in prison for saying that maybe mentally ill men shouldn't use the same restroom as women (and vice versa).

On PETER YOUNG: Do politicians ever learn?

Posted 10 November 2021, 11:06 a.m. Suggest removal

FrustratedBusinessman says...

Honestly, skyrocketing debt is a problem not unique to the Bahamas. Will the US ever pay their debt back? Anyone with a grain of credibility will tell you that answer is no. They are looking at removing the debt ceiling entirely.

Will Canada ever pay their debt back? What about Japan that had a debt-to-GDP ratio around 250% during the Recession? Balanced budgets are a thing of the past worldwide. We are just going to keep pretending until the charade known as the modern financial system goes down in flames.

FrustratedBusinessman says...

Still have no answer as to why pharmaceutical companies have blanket immunity, and why I would have to sign my legal rights away if I wanted to take this crap.

I have had no one give me an answer yet. If what you are pushing is so safe and effective, surely you should be willing to legally stand by your product. I guess not though.

FrustratedBusinessman says...

When you think about the billions that these pharmaceutical companies have received from world governments, the billions spent on enforcing asinine restrictions, implementing testing regimes, paying people for all of the above, and most importantly, all the money printed off to fund it all, COVID is probably one of the biggest wealth transfers in recorded history. It boggles my mind.

On Antigen test kits checked for fault

Posted 10 November 2021, 10:49 a.m. Suggest removal

FrustratedBusinessman says...

The mandate does not apply to US citizens or permanent residents.

On Vaccines not mandatory for tourists

Posted 10 November 2021, 10:46 a.m. Suggest removal

FrustratedBusinessman says...

I actually partially agree with Munroe. You can end up on the sex offender registry, and suffer the same stigma as a child molester, in the US simply by getting caught with a prostitute or escort. It is an absolutely simpleminded and non-sensical system.

On Which way to go on sex offenders?

Posted 10 November 2021, 10:45 a.m. Suggest removal

FrustratedBusinessman says...

Ok, lets work with your insinuation that there is possibly commercial amounts of oil in our territorial waters. Tell me, why is a penny stock company like BPC here exploring and not a megacorp like BP or Exxon?

They looked in the past and found nothing to suggest that there is any here. They would be here drilling in a heartbeat if it was profitable and our politicians would not hesitate to turn us into Nigeria part II.

On PM 'not minded' to allow oil drilling

Posted 8 November 2021, 1:37 p.m. Suggest removal