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GQ says...

Loretta Butler is a pathological liar! Take this from one who attended the North Abaco FNM association get together, it was not HER function but ours.
I understand "The Good Rev" who is a sidekick of hers is now communicating with leading party officials trying to win their support because he said our PM would not make him a senator and give him a cabinet post and now it is time to shed "The Two Huberts" out of the party.
Mrs. Butler Turner sees herself as the first female Prime Minister because her grandfather was the first Bahamian Governor. To try accomplish this she is willing to see this country face another 5 years of PLP mismanagement.

GQ says...

Thieves within and without. "Tief from Tief makes God smile." If this is true He must be laughing.

On Immigration department raided by thieves

Posted 23 September 2014, 2:17 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

I believe what most Bahamians do not realize is that the suppliers of diesel are "The Sunshine Group" and hell will freeze over before either the FNM or PLP will agree to cut this set of crooks out of the equation.
A friend recently discovered that Sun Oil / Shell are getting 35 cents per gallon to truck fuel from their depot to the Wilson City plant. Figure this out two ten thousand gallon tankers a day at that price is a whopping Seven thousand dollars, now you know where the fuel adjustment is coming from.
It will probably be a combination of some or all of the aforementioned group who will still be the only ones ripping of The Bahamian people.

GQ says...

I was under the impression that as a Cabinet Minister he is for all Bahamians, why just encourage PLP supporters?

GQ says...

Mrs. Turner has a serious problem with the truth. There was an invitation posted on Facebook from the North Abaco FNM association. Friends from Treasure Cay and Coopers Town confirmed to me that it was their function and not Mrs. Turner's. Woman my advice is to tell the truth and you will always tell the same story because things written alleging you as the source differ.

GQ says...

Maybe, just maybe one of HER unintived guests arranged the removal of her car. If she ever drove it I'm sure the driver's seat needs to be fixed and the steering wheel has stretch marks on it.

Way to go madam deputy who wants to be head honcho.

On Car stolen from yard of FNM deputy leader

Posted 18 September 2014, 4:13 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

With all Mr. Albury has so eloquently stated ( I dont know him) I wonder which party or person he will support in the next election. There are many Bahamians who will critise until the proverbial election bell rings and then will be "dog back to his vomit."

On None of my business . . .

Posted 17 September 2014, 9:16 a.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

I am glad that finally a black man refutes the old worn out "because I'm black" phrase which needs to be buried.
It is always the case when the PLP do not have a credible argument they blame it either on the UBP or the White peoplle.

Thank you Doctor Rollins and I wish you the best as you move forward. You have joined a few good men and WOMEN who have come from the PLP. Your name will now be associated with ones like Sir Cecil Wallace-Whitfield, Jimmy Shepard, Sir Arthur Foulkes, Warren Levarity, George Thompson and many more.

God Bless you Sir.

On MP hits out discrimination in gaming bill

Posted 12 September 2014, 2:16 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

It blows my mind how easy it is for RBDF to arrest a Bahamian vessel but cannot do anything with the Dominicans.

On Defence Force apprehends fishing boat

Posted 8 September 2014, 3:29 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Please tell me Mr. Prime Minister, how did the Bahamian people acquire majority interest in BTC?
Honestly I believe you as I daily see how this corporation is in self destruct mode just like how you and Ingraham have run all of our entities into the ground.
Ingraham has gone and I hope not to see his ugly head surface in Bahamian politics, please do the country a favor and you follow him very quickly.


Posted 30 August 2014, 5:07 p.m. Suggest removal