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GQ says...

I whole heartedly agree with the previous comments, Neymour and Ingraham have shamed many FNM's in the way they conducted themselves. It was past time for them to go and it is now even later for the PLP and that bunch of inept crooks.

GQ says...

Mr. Christie and Mr. Ingraham are cut from the same cloth, remember Lynden Oscar Pindling appointed them to carry on the same dirty work that he did in the PLP from its formation. Remember H M Taylor and Mr. Cartwright (first name escapes me) and there were others along the way that he destroyed.

Hubert has gone and I pray his ugly (literally) head does not surface in the political spectrum again. Now it is time for Perry to join him and leave the scene and allow a new breed of men and women who have the courntry's interest instead of their personal agenda.

On Rollins 'has no plans to leave PLP'

Posted 26 August 2014, 1:41 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

No thunderstorms in Abaco last evening and a new one hundred and fifty million plant was off most of last afternoon and from around 7 p.m. Tuesday until 4 a.m. Wednesday. The PLP blasted the FNM about many things leading up to the 2012 election two of the prime items was Murdered Bahamians and inefficient BEC. Man these two items are now coming back to haunt them.
Where is the potcake?

GQ says...

As in major sports teams trade players and sometimes they are given unconditional releases by the team.
As a FNM supporter I would suggest that they give Edison Key his unconditional release, let him walk across the aisle where he belongs. Now offer a non binding contract to the PLP's who have balls and are prepared to stand up for Bahamians instead of what PM Christie and his bootlickers doing.
I also agree with SP about Ingraham as we all know they are children of LOP the father of cutting people down. Our memories should be refreshed with what he did to Ed Moxey and the dissident eight.

On Rollins resigns as Party Whip

Posted 19 August 2014, 12:14 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

I am sick of writers in this forum referring to President Obama of the USA whenever something controversial comes up in The Bahamian Government whether it be PLP or FNM.
The US President along with his group "Sherwood Forest Robbers" are doing their share of destroying their country and we do not need any comparisons to them.

From here on out lets deal with our crooks and let the American people deal with theirs.

On Bran claims PM told Wells to sign letter

Posted 6 August 2014, 2:36 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Saw a quote on Facebook recently where it was suggested that these marchers should go uninvited to Nygard's next party. Man I wonder how many security and police would be rounding up their arses and transport them to Fox Hill Prison.

On [img/photos/2014/07/15/nygard_march.jpg]

Posted 15 July 2014, 7:20 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Boy can the news media screw up. One would expect them to substantiate their information prior to put things on the air or on paper. BCN is headquartered in Abaco seems they are only trying to tickle the peoples ear with sensationalism journalism, they must be the Abaco version of "The Punch."
Somebody or bodies need to go to jail for stealing the Bahamian Tax payers money.

I will be checking my H'abaco connection for the true story.

GQ says...

There is a grave error in the reporting of this story. It should read all fnm mp's abstained. Edison Key never was a fnm he used that party to become a MP and collect his salary and pension.
Shame on him for what he did to those hard working Abaco people getting him elected twice and just a much shame on HAI for forcing him on the faithful FNM'S. Key should either resign or walk across the aisle where he belongs.

GQ says...

Mr. Key was one of the first to bring and harbor the Haitians in Abaco, he used them well as CHEAP labor to make his millions from farming. I wonder if he knows the law which stipulates the status or non status of these offspring of illegal aliens.

From what I have heard coming from Abaco Mr. Key either needs to resign his seat or go back to the PLP from whence he came because he is a renegade and not a red shirt.

GQ says...


You are fishing and while you throw out unwanted bait Marsh Harbor is not the drop where red shirts are waiting for HAI's line. He lost credibility and the fish aint looking for his hook. If my contact in Abaco is correct HAI aint fishing anywhere Perry done mess things up so bad he will not ever consider getting Perry and the PLP out of this mess. He was heard recently in Coopers Town to say, "Perry screwed up let him fix it I'm going to collect my well earned pension and go fishing for real."