Comment history

GQ says...

Sheep runner: If you knew of whom I wrote earlier you would apologize and repent in sack cloth and ashes. That person has busted their ass and put much money in the FNM even when there was little hope of winning. Now you seem to be a "Johnny come lately" and discredit someone of this stature, just another show of people like you who do not appreciate the roads that others have built for upstarts like you to walk on.
Go get your female sheep and have a jolly good weekend.

On FNM deputy may go for leadership

Posted 3 June 2014, 9:03 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

I recently spoke with a looooonnnnngggg time original red party supporter and was told that the way Loretta and some other unelectable former member treated Dr. Minnis if she threw her "fat arse" in any type of leadership they would abandon the red shirts and maybe even take a chance on winning a seat for the green group which I believe is quite possible.

It seems that whenever the FNM has an opportunity to win the government some ambitious non performer like Tommy T and now Loretta wants to screw it up.

Bahamians pack your bags and expect another PLP landslide and five more years which this country cannot afford.

On FNM deputy may go for leadership

Posted 3 June 2014, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Am I wrong in assuming The Privy Council is/was our final court of appeal?

On Supreme Court overturns dredging block

Posted 30 May 2014, 11:49 a.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

There may be some breaking news after the official ceremony on Wednesday and I am told it will be an embarassment.

GQ says...


The Tribune is correct in their report, I spoke with a friend from Abaco who confirmed that the boy was 16.

On Teenage boy dies in crash

Posted 26 May 2014, 2:44 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Tal Russell:

If I was the Editor/Owner of The Tribune you would not have the privilege to castigate my newspaper the way you do. I will maintain that you are less than this description, A HOLE without an ARSE.


Posted 21 May 2014, 12:33 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

The Deputy P.M's comments are nothing short of ridiculous.
More pay will only mean more tiefing and crooked deals.
This set of crooks make me almost as ashamed as I was back
in the 80's to say that I was Bahamian.
I wish there was a recall possibility so the Bahamian people could get them out.

GQ says...

Thanks to former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham this project did not get approval three years ago all because of "The White Boy" from Man O War Cay's involvement.

Thank you Ingraham for the payback for all the years the people of Abaco supported you!

On $2m farm start-up targeting 30 jobs

Posted 11 May 2014, 10:11 a.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Tal: You are being your typical A Hole. Whether they were grabbed or taken what is the difference? If the day comes when you are holding the s..ty end of the stick you will know what it is like and in my opinion it cannot be soon enough.
When wrongs are committed and no one speaks out against it the day will come when there will no one to speak for you.
Now go find your hole and crawl back in it.

GQ says...

Minister Fredericka:
I hate to be paying your salary because you are as petty as three year old children in the school yard. For one minute do you think the Malaysian people know or care who or where the Bahamas is?
Ignorance is bliss and minister you are blissful.