Comment history

GQ says...

Tal: I am convinced that when BRAIN was being issued you thought it said PAIN and you replied, "No I don't want any." You are the personification of STUPID.

GQ says...


I never was a PLP and you would be surprised if you knew me. It is time we all separate our political beliefs and hang ups unless they are politically connected. People like you on both sides of the political divide are a great contributors to our divisive problems. If the little black boy wants to swim he can do it, if the little white boy wants to play basketball he can do it if you would contribute time and money towards either. So now stop your complaining and contribute to making a better Bahamas for ALL.

GQ says...

I am sure the last colonoscopy you had the doctor told you where your head was.
Why did you not have the decency the congratulate our bahamian swimmers instead of making a stupid remark.
To all OUR swimmers (note I did not refer to any creed or colour) I congratulate you and your coaches for a job well done.

GQ says...

Dr. Minnis comments was an analogy and most Bahamians would understand the gravity of where the PLP government is or is not.
What about the comments "The Potcake" made in degrading our Bahamian women in The People's Parliament? Not a word in protest was uttered or was he censured. I understand all the PLP's males were snickering and the females must have been dumfounded.

GQ says...

Will Minister Mitchell ever realize that the US does not need us Bahamians to come to their country, but The Bahamas desperately needs tourist from anywhere and especially the US.

How on earth does this idiot get elected repeatedly and appointed a minister in the government? He must have some information on someone.

GQ says...

Perry Christie is a good talker and a poor ass doer. He impresses people who do not know what a failure he has been in each of his terms as PM but Bahamians know better.

When will we ever learn?

GQ says...

While I do not support Branville or the DNA I agree wholeheartedly with him and at the same time wonder why Dr. Minnis and the FNM have not voiced the same concerns.


Posted 29 March 2014, 3:43 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

news flash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have the answer to The Prime Minister's plan to build a new parliament etc.

1. Build a new prison and put the inmates in it.

2. Put all the parliamentarians in the existing prison and throw away the keys.

On Time for a new Parliament?

Posted 28 March 2014, 4:54 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Tal, you are the biggest A hole in the Bahamas.

GQ says...


I seldom agree with anything you write, but in this instance I have no choice than to agree with you.