Comment history

GQ says...

She probably voted PLP and this was a way to show her displeasure. When Sir Lynden threw it out of the house everybody applauded him. Had I been in the dishonorable house of assorted idiots i would have applauded her actions.

GQ says...

Hubert and Perry were trained by Lynden which makes me wonder why we expect anything more for either of the three. As the old saying goes, "You cant expect anything more from a hog than a grunt."

GQ says...

This is more bullshiit that one political party is spreading against another. It is hight time that the current crop of inept politicians find a way to disappear from the Bahamian scene.

GQ says...

I would like to believe The Prime Minister, unfortunately I have been disappointed in him, HAI, Sir Lynden and so many other politicians because as the Indians used to say about "The White Man" in the movies, "they talk with forked tongue."

GQ says...

Nationbuilder: The country is not a joke it is the members of Parliament that are jokasses.

GQ says...


Have any in the current government's cabinet ever been successful in business that was not due to their political affliation?

Minister Halkitis your name just surfaced since 2012 please check and see how long Mr. Rupert Roberts has been a very successful buinesssman.

Mr. Chrisite, I thought you believed in Bahamians I am afraid that was just an election ploy because you now want to bring in foreigners to take over the food business.

Shame on all of you.

On 'We will not be bullied on VAT'

Posted 4 March 2014, 4:23 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

I wish for just one month the idiots who have no idea what it costs to run a successful business would have to wear Mr. Roberts shoes.
He did not get where is financially today like so many politicians, he got his the old fashioned way by working for it.
And the idiot who wants to make it racial you are the kind who are ashamed of your colour and none us of had any control over that but you are responsible for for your attitude.

On 400 jobs may go, warns store owner

Posted 3 March 2014, 1:22 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

The problem with BTC when it was purchased by C&W was that the same inefficient persons who got jobs because of politics are still underperforming on the job. The only way BEC will be any different is to clean house, bring in new people (Bahamians) and train them to perform their jobs professionally. You will not be successful if the "Old Dogs" that are currently in place does the training because of their bad habits.
Really this is what we need to do with ALL of those who have been in government. Just a bunch of retreads.

On Miller opposes plan for BEC

Posted 27 February 2014, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

The RBDF should take the catch, remove the crew and either sink of burn every illegal vessel caught in Bahamian waters. Let this be known to The Dominican or any other country where these poachers come from that this will be the beginning of penalities followed up by jailing or fining each crew member $50,000.00 and the captain $250,000.00 for first offenders, thereafter fines will double.

On 'Fishermen have right to firearms'

Posted 21 February 2014, 4:02 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

I am reliably informed by contacts in Abaco that Mr. Key was forced upon them by Ingraham in 2007 and was only accepted by a few of the leadership team. There is still a vast majority of 'Conians' who dont trust him and feel that he used the FNM to get elected for his OWN agenda.

On Key 'still active FNM'

Posted 20 February 2014, 2:08 p.m. Suggest removal