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GQ says...

Has PGC had another another Rip Van Winkle experience? As I recall we had a great committee meeting on the gambling issue last year and the proof was my thumb was black for several days. Mr. Prime Minister please refer to this referendum and see the decision made by your bosses and do as they told you or join your former partner in his new fishing hobby. You and Ingraham have done irreparable damage to this country.

On PM to form committee to give web shop advice

Posted 14 February 2014, 10:28 a.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

I'll bet they have not included all the monies owed to suppliers. Everywhere one turns and listens government is owing hundreds of thousands and I guess even millions to local businesses.
It is time to get rid of money wasting, crony hiring corrupt governments of which we have had our share in the last forty plus years.

On $238m deficit exposes 'balanced Budget' need

Posted 14 February 2014, 10:21 a.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Well muddo, did I read what PGC said either he or I am stupid.

GQ says...

O.K. Mr. Miller you have an acceptable excuse for the outages in Nassau about generator(s) being out of service. What is the reason why the NEW plant in Abaco consistently is shutting down? I am told that twice this morning power was off.

Why can Nassau burn Bunker C and it was not permitted in Abaco? or was this one of Hubert's ways of punishing the island which supported him for so many years.

GQ says...

Looks like another 20 million will be pissed away in Andros which produces very little to the Public Treasury while the airport in Marsh Harbour will not open because the government will not pay FES construction what is due them.
I am told that the roads are in even worse condition due to recent rains in Abaco. Also told that there are several tankers of tar sitting on the dock and Simmons does not have the money to pay customs duty.
Thanks Hubert Ingraham for leaving central Abaco in such a mess. Did you tell Perry to rub them white people's nose in the dirt for supporting you? Is this your thank you?

On $20m in contracts for Andros institute

Posted 7 February 2014, 8:18 a.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

In my not so humble opinion Hubert and Bran lost the election in 2012 Bran because he is a wannabe and Hubert because of his dictatorial attitude, "My way or the highway." The country needs to be put front and foremost and these politicians who will not compromise on their super egos need to leave the scene and let men and women who care come to the forefront. Why is it that Hubert will not come out and state that he is not coming back? Does he regret he left?
We need to get rid of the PLP Lynden Pindling indoctrinated leaders of both parties and allow sensible leadership to restore our country before it is too late.

On Bran: I'm not joining FNM

Posted 4 February 2014, 9:24 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

When I read the above I can think of some and will name a few who I truly believe qualifies to receive this honour: Current Governor General, Sir Arthur Foulkes, Sir Cecil Wallace-Whitfield, Sir H.M. Taylor. Sir Etienne Dupuch. I believe there are others but these names come to mind first and foremost.
You will note that all of the above except Sir Arthur have passed on to their final reward and it would be fitting to present him with his now.
There are NONE of the current crop of politicians who in my humble opinion deserve a consideration.

On PM's civil rights claim

Posted 31 January 2014, 11:25 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

What kind of police do we have that one who has access to The Prime Minister's residence would steal something from there.
I fear the day that the headlines state that one of our M.P's or cabinet ministers is seriously harmed or killed. This would be the crowning blow to kill our tourism.

On Officer held as TV taken from PM's home

Posted 30 January 2014, 8:57 a.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Creation of another departmet and staff it with political cronies will be a part of the creation of the famous ten thousand jobs prommised.

On Cabinet decides on ID cards?

Posted 29 January 2014, 3:30 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

I am certain that US officials give instructions to whomever is actually doing the job for the The United States of America.
There is no way that an officer of American Homeland Security is going to give anyone else the discretion as to who to search.

On Movie star's baby is searched at airport

Posted 29 January 2014, 1:08 p.m. Suggest removal