Comment history

Gabor says...

$175,000 duty??? Those were very expensive cheese sandwiches. One crook complains about another one.

On Christie dismisses ‘foolish’ Fyre claim

Posted 23 January 2019, 11:16 p.m. Suggest removal

Gabor says...

I had dealings with Farquharson. He is not normal. He never went to law school either.

Gabor says...

The only solution to this is a national lottery run by the government. To have the software developed will cost about 1 million dollars. To securely host the infrastructure ABROAD will be a few thousand bux a month. The lottery should not generate its own winning numbers and should use the numbers drawn by the New York lottery. That way the inevitable backdoor into the random number generator couldn't be coded in. Terminals will cost a few thousand dollars each. Problem solved. The people retain their access to the numbers, the government has all the cards in hand and is free to embezzle and misappropriate the funds.

On AG to web shops: ‘Time to pay up’

Posted 5 January 2019, 6:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Gabor says...

Hitler loved animals.

Gabor says...

Kim is one of the kindest down to Earth people I met. She has a mouth on her but also the brains behind that mouth. Maybe if more Bahamians learned to be kind to animals they would also be kinder to each other. People who are cruel to animals are cruel to anyone else.

Gabor says...

Another staggering display of incompetence. These people are as useful as a screen door on a submarine.

Gabor says...

Legalized bank robbing.

On Senate backs bid to use dormant bank funds

Posted 4 December 2018, 5:39 a.m. Suggest removal

Gabor says...

Wonder how long before they wreck this one too or run out of fuel in the middle of the ocean?

On HMBS Madeira joins the fleet

Posted 3 December 2018, 9:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Gabor says...

In the stone age if Dumbo Dan ran towards the Sable Tooth Tiger the rest of the tribe didn't follow him. Natural selection at its best. Why should 95% of society follow the 5% with mental problems now?

Gabor says...

Let's outlaw free speech all together because voicing your opinion may upset someone else.