Comment history

Gabor says...

What two party? It is the same set of corrupt individuals changing affiliation on the fly.

Gabor says...

The only reason they still "searching" is because they screwed up originally and are afraid to stop now. Nobody dares to tell Agi that she cannot have a funeral for her baby.

On PLANE CRASH: The search goes on

Posted 22 November 2018, 12:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Gabor says...

I suggest seizing money's that lay dormant for 2 weeks next. Now the government is robbing the banks. Nice.

On Dormant accounts – they'll do nicely

Posted 22 November 2018, 12:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Gabor says...

Precisely. Every time they part their lips it is to cram in another foot.


Posted 21 November 2018, 1:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Gabor says...

Drug planes are not like fruit fly will go to the light no matter what. Lights don't attract drug planes, corrupt or lazy cops and officials are. Have the police man the airports 24/7 to monitor any suspicious activity especially after sunset but keep the frigging lights ON.

Gabor says...

Thank you for this article.

Gabor says...

You started off good then opened mouth, inserted foot. If you knew Byron you would never have said trash like this.

Gabor says...

Pride is a deadly sin for a reason. How dare a bunch of civilians be more effective than my scary looking "professionals"?

Gabor says...

Cronyism from all parties is what's destroyed the RBDF. When you start hiring people based on their political contributions and affiliations, race, gender not on ability, aptitude and the will to serve the country you allow the rot to set in. When you don't punish incompetence, negligence, criminal behavior you sentence the organization to death. The fish stinks from its head. The commodore and minister of security must be dismissed and we can call that a good start.

Gabor says...

All that talk and the gist of the matter is they didn't find something 600' away. 300sq miles? Try 1 sq mile and all there was could have been seen. Now instead of thanking and welcoming the help of the public they closed the area off? Sounds like they don't want more embarrassment.