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Gabor says...

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On Head Knowles group 'finds pieces of missing plane' (video)

Posted 15 November 2018, 6:13 p.m.

Gabor says...

If they go to work in the USA they make a lot more than that. Supply and demand really.

On Sands – We'll make fair offer to doctors

Posted 14 November 2018, 9:20 p.m. Suggest removal

Gabor says...

I had the privilege to become friends with Roscoe Ferguson and his family when I used to live in the Bahamas. I got to know them well during my 11 year of stay and all 4 boys also became my friends. I made a lot of friends during my stay but none could live up to the Ferguson family. Roscoe and Agi worked tirelessly to put all 4 of their boys through college after college, and in Ashton's case 2 universities. Even though they resided in a not so safe neighborhood where violence, drugs ad alcohol abound all 4 of the boys stayed on the straight and narrow and made their parents proud. Byron was away a lot the last I knew in the Middle East flying planes in Dubai so I only saw him when he came home. The other 3 boys I had contact with on the daily basis except when Ashton went away to university. Night after night the boys would help out in the family bar serving patrons, often doing math and physics homework between two drinks served helping their parents out. I bet Titta's is the only bar where a doctor will serve you a beer when Scoe and Agi are busy and Ashton steps in to help. Bjorn became an accountant first, then joined the police force working in the financial crimes and homicide squads. When he had enough of the misery and nonsense he put himself through law school and was called to the bar. I am not sure he will make it as a lawyer though since he is honest to a fault and there is not one bad bone in him. Anvon the youngest one is an accountant freshly graduated and married. This family is what any parent can only wish to emulate in any country. Every single member is sharp as razor, honest and hard working, kind and God fearing. It breaks my heart seeing the anguish of Agi and the kids. While no emergency response could have changed the fate of the flight It maddens me that they cannot even find the plane now. Nothing ever changes in the Bahamas. Incompetence, corruption, inconsequential idiocy strikes over and over again. I wish the collective lethargy would soon be a thing of the past but might as well wish for the moon. I was thinking to come for a visit lately and I will of course come to be by the sides of my friends. Only I wish it was under different circumstances.

On Flight home was for father’s birthday

Posted 12 November 2018, 8:51 p.m. Suggest removal