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Girly says...

Lol.For real.

Girly says...

get the heck more small talk.and that is all i have to say to all illiegals living here.and who dont like it...................friggin lump it.

Girly says...

One thing I can say.You will never ever get a Haitian,Jamaican,Chinese,Phillipino etc to ever talk bad about their country or people.But you will always have that one disloyal Bahamian who is always ready to talk smack and down grade their own without giving positive solutions.You would always have that one Bahamian willing to jump ship and change their accent as soon as they jump off the plane.You will always have that one Bahamian who always sees the murders etc in their country from another land and not see from where they are comfortable eg Police officers shooting innocent victims.Until you come back to this blessed land to contribute positively and feel what we are going through here and now please do us a favor and leave us still remaining contributing Bahamians alone.God loves his people and will never give up on us.He will never abandon us.You may not want to believe it but there are still some praying people in this land and this is why we have not sunken as yet even though some people may want us to. Just like how you are saying that Bahamians need to ask GOD for forgiveness.You need to pray to GOD and ask him to help you to forgive those family members and other people that hurt you so badly and take un forgiveness out of your heart so that you can heal and they can heal.It goes both ways.

Girly says...

I think we need to have a building with executives just like the National Insurance Board that can efficiently regulate the money that is coming in and give an accountability to the public. We should also ensure that a separate task force is in place to counteract the negative effect that this may have on investors and tourist alike an the reason for the added tax and why they should continue to come here just like the commercials advertising our country. There should be commercials on going and pamphlets available in our newspapers to adequately inform person's both local and tourists. I don't know if these are already in place but if not they should be.

On QC: VAT rejected if no ‘value for money’

Posted 12 December 2014, 12:41 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

We just don't realize what we have. The Bahamas Junkanoo has been voted number one of 10 Celebrations for 2014 among readers for usa today beating carnival. Look it up.

Girly says...

and please don't say that your home is too small because you can do it.You need to help the helpless,voiceless and stateless illegal immigrants.They are crying out for YOUR help because YOU are the one( and NO ONE else) that is saying that this is so easy to do.

Girly says...

@ Voltaire As of this week immediately because of the huge influx of illegal immigrants and the burden to the Bahamas,WE would need your home to accommodate 250 illegal immigrants forth with. You have no say in the matter. You would have to feed, clothe and provide education,health care etc for the rest of their lives for many years to come because they are entitled to due process and cannot be taken out of the country or your home until they are humanely given this opportunity.Therefore until then even if you want them to leave according to law you must give all the children born under your roof all of the same opportunites that your children excuses.We don't care how expensive this may be to your pocket you have no choice in the matter because human rights groups are saying that we will boycott Voltaire if he doesn't.are you up to take on this task immediately.

Girly says...


Girly says...

LOL. He is a true Haitian National at heart. Voltaire just be proud man, just like as Bahamians we are. Nothing is wrong with that.

Girly says...

@ EMAC,Voltaire is too afraid to go and fight for Haiti. He is too busy talking smack in OUR country because of our sweet democratic rights.