Comment history

Girly says...

So true. You hit the nail right on the head. With all this VAT, I wonder if anyone would want to go and see a movie anymore. bring the dvd's.

Girly says...

So true.

Girly says...

I agree, this is totally unacceptable. I am not a fan of Mr. Smith but this time we have to know when to recognize wrong. The KKK masks, seriously?

Girly says...

Well,no movies for me and my family for a long,long time.This is not an essential service. My family and I can watch TV at home .Better yet most of the movies coming out can be bought on DVD.

On Cinema tickets up by more than rate of VAT

Posted 2 January 2015, 3:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

Girly says...

SOOOO where was your repulsiveness when a so called Haitian threatened the lives of Bahamians on National Television with no fear .I repeat this is not about are trying to make this one.You are basing your view on a handful of comments on social media to an entire country of less than 400,000 people.totally biased.This entire country is made up of immigrants who have integrated into the community .we respect those who came here legally.We work ,socialize with immigrants everyday.Some of my friends are Haitian,Jamaican,Indian etc .Those who came here legally have even had children here and have done things the right way.They contribute by paying NIB,rent homes etc..The majority of Bahamians have been nothing but kind to the Haitian people and other immigrants.We respect LEGAL not illegal peple who choose to break the law and come through the back door.People like you love to call good evil and evil good.So your comments are invalid and the laws of this land will be enforced whether you like it or not.

Girly says...

Space I think you need to go back to space.Or better yet invite all of the illegals into your home and help us out.This is not about racism,so stop trying to twist this into something it isn't.

Girly says...

Great News. We need to highlight things like this on the front page.

On Private planes give Bahamas $388m boost

Posted 19 December 2014, 2:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

Great News

On Private planes give Bahamas $388m boost

Posted 19 December 2014, 2:51 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

I think we need to start wearing custom made shirts saying "since you insist. we are xenophobia,so get the frigg out"