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Girly says...

Yet some biased person will say its false calling good evil and evil good.

Girly says...

Is this policy stating something that some persons are failing to understand or do you want it to be broken down smaller.Yes it was a mistake for the many years for slackness to go on in this country but finally the government is having the balls to correct the error of its ways.the bahamas is not denying children education.the policy is talking about paying a not twist the facts.there are haitians that have their children in private schools.sometimes more than one.Every immigrant including Haitians have until September to save up for this fee.When we apply for a visa do you think the United States care if we don't have the money.Fees were increased and we still have to pay.Please lets stop being SO biased.they are not being fact these new policies will help them to walk around free and not afraid.please give the government a chance to do its job.

Girly says...

these people just don't want to follow the rules and laws of other people country.this country has operated slack for enforcement. just do as thou wilt,come as thou wilt............... we aint gat time for no more slackness.just pay "the ever living fee". vat got introuced in january this year and every "livin" bahamian,tom and harry have to pay,no excuses. In Haiti education is not free. Its either you pay or stay home. Ya make noise, ya suffer the blasted consequences.

Girly says...

thank you.well said tal!!!!!!!!100,000,000,000%

Girly says...

...............and then it will be too late,smh.

Girly says...

We as Bahamians have never truly accepted our own identity. The Jamaicans keep their accent wherever they go and love their reggae music and Bob Marley, Haitians would proudly display their Haitian flag in another mans land and say they are ZOE for life.Every other Caribbean person accepts their identity but NOOOOO not us Bey. As soon as we step off the plane in another mans land we sound like them taking on their accent. and all the while these different people are laughing at us and calling us stupid and dumb.Can someone please tell me where in the world did we go wrong??????????????

Girly says...

There is nothing wrong with this policy. Many persons saying that Haitians etc. can't afford $125 please.i know many Haitians who have more than one child in Private School's. So please stop this thing but they cant afford it.

Girly says...

So true.I am tired of people saying that Bahamians don't do jobs like gardening etc that illegals do.That is not true.My brother is a perfect example and he is a Bahamian and making money being his own boss.

Girly says...

This immigration policy is the best step forward that the Bahamas has seen in years. For years illegal immigrants have come into this country illegally, slipped through the cracks and now feel as if they are "entitled" .What is so wrong about getting persons to get the right documents to move about in this country? Do you want them to continue to break the law? Many persons are twisting this immigration policy into racism and a false idea that Bahamians are not for migration.WAKE UP that is not it. Everyday most Bahamians associate with Haitians, Jamaicans etc. and treat everyone with the upmost respect.We just want it to be done legally.i am so sick and tired of some person's making this out to be something that it is not. What this immigration policy is doing is 1.Making sure everyone has documents to be here and weeding out the illegal ones, as simple as that.render to caesar the things that are caesars and to god the things that are god.How many Bahamians do you think can get away with landing in Haiti or any other country illegally,squat on their land, get free education health care with NO ramification's. Then if this is left alone and the country goes down hill because of overcrowding these same individuals will be crying out to the government to do something ASAP.I tell ya only in the bahamas.