Comment history

Girly says...

I felt so disheartened when he made that comment.

On ‘Carnival is no risk to society’

Posted 6 February 2015, 6:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...


Girly says...

For real.Totally biased!!!!!

On Immigration crackdown

Posted 6 February 2015, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

These will be the same people who would cry out SAVE US if they became strangers in their own country. Just like NOAH warned the people they would be outside the boat drowning in their own ignorance.

On Immigration crackdown

Posted 6 February 2015, 2:41 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

Minister Mitchell Kudos to you and the government. Awesome job. Finally a government that is not afraid to set things right for a country that has been slack for years regarding immigration.

On Immigration crackdown

Posted 6 February 2015, 1:20 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

election fever and everyone is coming out of the woodwork trying to garner votes.One thing I know,come 2017 I am voting for the party who has the best interest of the Bahamian people at heart and looks like it will be team yellow because so far members of team red are coming out full force against this policy. This can only mean that when election 2017 they will try to do away with this law. therefore team yellow all the way.


Posted 6 February 2015, 12:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

Read.......#The reservation read: “The government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas upon signing the convention reserves the right not to apply the provisions of Article 2 of the said convention insofar as those provisions relate to the conferment of citizenship upon a child having regard to the provisions of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.”

Girly says...

LOOK. Get your monies together. Ya have until September 2015.If Bahamians could bite their gums up about VAT and crying "poor mouth" and still have to pay,why do anyone making noise think that illegals or any other immigrant would not be required to pay this fee.You'll must be think the government have time for ya'll. Ya'll too "jokey" nah.LOLOL

Girly says...

Wow you sure are hard to convince.its not the childrens fault.its the parents.If I don't work to put food and water in my house for my children to survive.Who in this world do you think is primarily to blame for their death? the parents.but i dont expect for you to admit this.

Girly says...

Yes and also tell their parents that their children that they chose to have should not be punished by saving up to pay the fee and don't go on in life thinking that they can get everything in this life for free. I tell my son this all the time.It instills morals and values.