Comment history

Girly says...

With less money the organizers of Junkanoo do a better job,smh.

On Carnival told to ‘get it together’

Posted 11 February 2015, 12:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

And they were saying that "Junkanoo" organizers couldn't get it together LOLOL .

On Carnival told to ‘get it together’

Posted 11 February 2015, 12:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

Oh so you think the Bahamas is surviving just from Tourism. big joke. You really think that this country just like the other Caribbean countries are doing with sun,sand and conch shell that that alone is causing this country to is only by the grace of god.If you don't think so then too bad.

On Mitchell: Public backs immigration measures

Posted 9 February 2015, 5:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

illegal immigrants,do what ya want.this ya'll country.smh

On Mitchell: Public backs immigration measures

Posted 9 February 2015, 4:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

Or you would have those who continue to drag our flag through the street,burn it and threaten us with the Colombian necktie.These same little darlings that we have been providing free education etc will be some of the same ones that will grow up and stab us in the back later.Just listen to the ones that are on air who now have their passports.just listen to their speech even though everything was provided free.They have more loyalty to Haiti where their parents come from.Zoe for life is their speech.The only time you would hear them say I am Bahamian is when they don't want to get deported or to get their passport.These people have no loyalty to the Bahamas.So now my question is what caused these same darlings to drag our flag through the mud years before this new immigration policy came into effect even though everything was provided for them.These people have the same personality as many of those revolting in Haiti as we speak.Why? because their parents grew up there and guess who you learn from the most?.Your parents.Bahamians were never as outspoken about this immigration thing as when that man stood up and threatened us. So who started this whole thing? Think about it.

On Immigration crackdown

Posted 7 February 2015, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

And the thing is I wonder if they have any other comments regarding any other situation occurring in the Bahamas or regarding any other immigrant,smh.

On Immigration crackdown

Posted 7 February 2015, 10:38 a.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

lololol,for real.

On Immigration crackdown

Posted 7 February 2015, 10:35 a.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

There are many immigrants that are hired legally every year by the private sector. Teachers, nurses etc. Just check the private schools,private hospital and private businesses. So I don't know what you are talking about.

On Immigration crackdown

Posted 6 February 2015, 10:24 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

Key word........."hired"............not snucked in illegally and claiming rights. How many more Excuses Economist.

On Immigration crackdown

Posted 6 February 2015, 9:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

"Mr Major also questioned the commercial viability of the existing Junkanoo product, saying the traditional Junkanoo model has no “economic benefit” for the country. He called it a “net expense” to the government, Junkanoo stakeholders and participants."

This comment saddened my heart as a Bahamian.How can he make such an ill advised and insensitive comment on a culture that Bahamians young and old grew up on,smh.What have we become. WE are the laughing stock of the world.

On ‘Carnival is no risk to society’

Posted 6 February 2015, 6:16 p.m. Suggest removal