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Girly says...

Do you you know that a harmful chemical was sprayed in the faces of Haitian school children just recently with no concern for their lives in Haiti.Do your research,look at the videos and see if you still have the same mindset.The bottom line is they need to take their country back.

Girly says...

So tell me something how much human rights laws are being broken in Haiti? And because lllegals have been breaking the law for a long time does not make it right and it can be changed.We have to start from somewhere.Do you have children?Do you want to see the rights of your children taken away by lawless individuals who have a country but do not want to take even the smallest steps to make it right?Where is the justice in that?The final analysis is the haitian people have got to fight for their country like we are fighting for ours.

Girly says...

See this is what I don't like.Nobody is talking about not being humane.I am referring to the way SOME haitians and SOME illegals are NOT obeying the laws of the land.

Girly says...

It was not ironic He actually got a coin and paid it himself.

Girly says...

And lastly Why are you getting so offended and on the defense,hmmmmmmm?

Girly says...

Whenever there was wrong Jesus spoke about it.Just like HE said "render to caesar the things that are caesars and to god the things that are gods.This means to respect the laws of the land which the illegals are not doing.Why don't you tell them to adapt to this type of "attitude"

Girly says...

And the point wasn't about the money changers.It was about Jesus himself who did the whipping and my Christian attitude.Whenever wrong is being addressed you'll always talk about Christian attitude just to have you'll way.

Girly says...

You need to check yours.You are in definite need of it.

Girly says...…
Education in the Bahamas is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16. As of 2003, the school attendance rate was 92% and the literacy rate was 95.5%. The government ...

Girly says...

Education in Haiti - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Formal Education rates in Haiti are among the lowest in the Western Hemisphere. Haiti's literacy rate of about 53% (55% for males and 51% for females) is below the 90 ...