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Girly says...

Firstly Jesus himself whipped the money changers out of the temple when they were doing wrong.So don't tell me about no Christian attitude.Secondly I believe you are a true Bahamian just like I believe there is a Santa Claus.this is the type of attitude of haitians not bahamians so go sip some tea and go fix haiti.

Girly says...

These fake posts by people claiming to be a "Bahamian"is really cracking me up.Stop hiding behind your posts and declare that you are truly haitians because no true Bahamian would down their own people.You people are really something else.You are like wolves in sheeps clothing.The Bible warned about people like you.You invade a country wanting people to feel sorry for you then when you get your grubby hands on its soil you show your true ravenous colors.You have stripped,drained,thrashed,desecrated,humiliated,annihalated and dethroned the dominican people so much that they hardly have a say in their own care nothing about anyone else but yourselves and your angenda,yet all the while praising haiti who dont give a two hoots about your people.the first way to healing is to admit you have a problem.but sadly you ungrateful set of people never believe you have a problem.i have been doing my research recently on your country and boy o boy do you have problems.The haitian educational system is at 53 % literacy rate whereas the Bahamas is at 94%. I won't stoop to your level though and can see through opened eyes that the tactics that most of you haitian people use is to gain sympathy and throw ridicule.But I will say again on this day that the bahamas will not become a second invaded dominican republic by the blood of jesus and the grace of almighty god.maybe if youll pray more haiti would not be in the state it is in.

Girly says...

So true Tal.There is no way this person could be a real Bahamian.His condescending talks shows this.These are a very ungrateful set of people.Just look at the trend from Dominican Republic.They introduced the race card,desecrated and tarnished that country's image all because they can't fix theirs and want to demand rights.They have eaten away at that society so much that the dominican people hardly have a say in their own country.But I can tell you this the bahamas will not become a second invaded dominican republic.i never had any ill will toward the haitian people until I started readin their comments and see how they illegally raid countries and then kick them and claim racism and discrimination all the while praising Haiti who continues to treat their people like dirt.

Girly says...

So there are no human right's abuses going on in Haiti? Why don't you go and lend your human side there?...................I think not. You are enjoying yourself here all the while bashing a country you know nothing about.Like I said before God is hearing the cries of our people through this government and Fred Mitchell .It is God who sets people in power.

On 'Human rights are being denied'

Posted 3 December 2014, 12:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

It's just not fair for someone to come cut down trees,squat on land,steal electricity while hardworking Bahamians have to pay mortgage for years along with light,water etc just to have something of their own.I believe that sooner than later some Bahamians are going to come together and go to court just like they are trying to do and take back what was stolen from us.

On Immigration policy to be challenged in court

Posted 2 December 2014, 9:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

expatkz why in the world you don't stop getting in The Bahamas affairs.Do you know what it is for someone to threaten you with something as evil as a Columbian necktie.Do you know what it is to have someone come in your country squat lving free of charge,stealing electricity etc etc,while hard working Bahamians have to work hard paying rent,mortgage,water etc for years just to have something to call their own..Please for the love of god keep out of our buisness.god don't sleep and he will hear the cries of our people.You know within yourself that what these illegals are doing is not right.

On 'Human rights are being denied'

Posted 2 December 2014, 8:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

So true Bahamians are getting angrier and angrier by the day at this nonchalant approach to our rights that are being trampled on everyday by these illegal immigrants.We are paying mortgage,rent,light,water,etc while they squat getting everything for free.This is not right. God is hearing the cries of his people.

On Immigration policy to be challenged in court

Posted 2 December 2014, 8:09 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

I hope when he brings this lawsuit,I hope he ready for the lawsuit to brought against all of the illegal immigrants who squatted illegally on our land for free ,stealing electricity etc,etc.So these illiegal persons better stop and think.

On Immigration policy to be challenged in court

Posted 2 December 2014, 8:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...


On Bahamas welcomes Quantum of the Seas

Posted 1 December 2014, 6:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...
