Comment history

Girly says...

Yeah because if we give you an inch you will take a mile.

Girly says...

So true.We have to also blame some of our Bahamian people who get swing into marrying them.They use all kinds of manipulative ways,destroying homes and then kick the misguided,blinded spouse to the curb once they get status.You will hardly ever see Chinese or Phillipinos marrying outside their race.Now that most Bahamians have seen the disgusting,destructive,putrid remarks that most of them have toward us just because of this immigration reform I hope they will open their blinded eyes.

Girly says...

I betta go fill out my application to BEC to get rich and become a millionaire off overtime.

Girly says...

Anything else expatkz?Are you finished?Are you done yet?because You sure do know a lot about us.I really believe that secretly you are our number one fan.Beautiful beaches,people etc hmmmmmmm. Loving it.Come on expatkz just tell your fake,sheep clothing self that it is truly better in the bahamas.lolololol

Girly says...

Wow,feeling the ENVY up in here from Andrew. Haters gonna hate.lololol

Girly says...

It's amazing how you people think that you are SOOOO smart and SOOOO much more intelligent but can't seem to be able to bring your dollar up and run at the first beck and call to come to the Bahamas.If you feel this way about us then KEEP out of our country.The Bahamas is the richest country in this part of the world.So tell me who is the more smarter of the two mmmmmmm.

Girly says...

Why don't you go get a life and stop hating on people.

Girly says...

This is the same reason why we don't want people with YOUR type of attitude in our country.Stop being so sad.

Girly says...

And for the record it was a man of Haitian decent that started the derogatory war of words.

On Haitian group rejects boycott

Posted 18 November 2014, 12:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

Excuse me.Are you living in your own La La land.Have you not heard the most derogatory and threatening remarks made by Haitians against Bahamians.Eg.wanting to use the Columbian necktie on our people.Or are you just one sided?I don't agree with derogatory remarks by anyone.Please don't side with just one.Look at the whole picture.

On Haitian group rejects boycott

Posted 18 November 2014, 12:05 p.m. Suggest removal