Comment history

Girly says...

Listen here.If the red party sides with the illegals.I definitely would not be voting for them.

On Haitian group rejects boycott

Posted 17 November 2014, 10:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

I had a feeling that man had haitian roots.These haitian people causing discord everywhere they go.They went to the Dominican Republic causing confusion.They went to Trinidad causing confusion.Now they in the Bahamas causing confusion and talking fool.It amazes me that they are not causing confusion in their own country and the outside community is not seeing the error of their illegal ways.This has got to stop.

On Haitian group rejects boycott

Posted 17 November 2014, 5:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

You would always have the hypocrites,talking about how you should treat others in some one else's backyard but if you check their closets a whole heap of scandalous skeleton's would fall out.

Girly says...

This is why I am saying expatkz,don't let them risk their lives anymore to come to the Bahamas. Get your politicians to enact a law just like they did for the Cubans and accept all illegal Haitian's and all other illegal's everywhere and take this burden away from a country of only over 375,000 people.We have been the most humane country ever.We have given free education,health care,you name it etc.Before you talk about us being inhumane read up about the history of The Bahamas and like I said before and I am saying again,get your politicians to give the same treatment to the illegals like they are doing for the Cubans.Please and you'll are talking about discrimination,smh,give me a break.

Girly says...

See the problem is you have only been here 18 months and already judging something that you know nothing about.We have tolerated this onslaught,disregard for our laws and disrespect for more than 40 years.Shame on you.Why don't you be SO KIND and open your home and country and relieve us of this burden.

Girly says...

The final analysis is for the school to review their rules and regulations before this happens again.Have a lawyer fine tune every letter,every word every sentence and every paragraph.Put this big book of rules in the front of each parent when they bring their precious I can do no wrong gems to enroll and make each and everyone of them read and re read again and then sign.

On Archbishop speaks out over lawsuit

Posted 30 June 2013, 11:48 a.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...


On Archbishop speaks out over lawsuit

Posted 28 June 2013, 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

Well they better revise their rules and regulations before something like this happens again!

On Archbishop speaks out over lawsuit

Posted 28 June 2013, 11:49 a.m. Suggest removal