Comment history

GodSpeed says...

Justice for Sarkis πŸ‘πŸ‘ couldn't get it here. They robbed that man and I hope he gets every penny back and more. These politicians are bold criminals.

GodSpeed says...

I don't put it past a woman to bruise herself up and falsely accuse abuse either, things like that happen. I've witnessed women lie about abuse to get their significant other arrested out of malice. There are well known cases where women have lied about rape and completely ruined the lives/reputations of innocent men or put them in jail all on her word. There was a well known case of a former City Market manager that went through hell just because of a woman's lies. The family unit in this country is already in decline, with most children being illegitimate, laws like this won't encourage more marriage.

On Comments on marital rape issue

Posted 26 May 2023, 11:52 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

I'm speaking specifically about within the confines of a marriage, if a husband has raped his wife then she can simply get a divorce. That is the only logical solution, anything else is he said, she said.

On Comments on marital rape issue

Posted 26 May 2023, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Concerning child rape, usually it is a parent bringing these charges forward and it's the parent that's lying and manipulating the child, for whatever reason. There is a distinction made between child and adult when concerning the law, women are not children, you can check a child's body for evidence of sexual contact which should not be happening with a child period. With a woman she could have regular sex or rough sex with her husband and decide to call it rape, there is no way for an investigator to know if it was consensual or not besides her accusation. A law for "marital rape" will be abused 100%. Under this law will a man be able to claim his wife raped him as well? Or is this just a law to target men? If a woman is getting "raped" by her husband then simply get a divorce or leave him, that's the only extent to which the state needs to be involved.

On Comments on marital rape issue

Posted 26 May 2023, 10:27 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Why do people pretend that women can't lie about rape when there are so many instances that prove otherwise? I mean women are human, they lie indeed just like men.

On Comments on marital rape issue

Posted 25 May 2023, 8:59 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Insurers, aka sitting around in an office wearing a suit taking other people's money who actually work for a living to gamble on investments and then don't want to pay people when the time comes to do so. Governments makes car insurance mandatory yet allows these operations to collude and implement greedy practices like "co-pay", "deductibles" and "coinsurance" so they can increase their profits and many times not have to pay anyone a dime for anything for years. Scammy operations.

GodSpeed says...

Well if things are so terrible and there is no money to be made then just shutdown. Why put yourself through such torture?

GodSpeed says...

Switch to electric

GodSpeed says...

So how is this law going to fix that? If a man is legitimately raping his wife then that marriage is done. Staying together for the kids while somehow working out legal battles over being raped is not going to work and definitely is worse for the kids than just splitting up one time.

GodSpeed says...

Is it really 70%? That's almost as bad as the US Blacks. Not good.