Comment history

GodSpeed says...

Pretty sure the Europeans have apologized for slavery a million times by now. Are you going to get acknowledgement of wrongdoing from the African states that sold their own people into slavery too?

GodSpeed says...

If it's so bad and you're making no money then why stay in business? Just shut down, that will show them. Guess we will then all have to switch to electric, RIP Bush mechanics.

GodSpeed says...

money solves everything, just grease the right palms and lots of greasy palms around here.

GodSpeed says...

Yeah right 😂 Tucker exposed all the lies the Democrats have been spouting for the last two years, simply by playing unedited videotape, and a few quotes from RINOs that also stuck but the insurrection lie doesn't really have any weight at all. Keep spouting your nonsense and drivel you hack.

GodSpeed says...

They're breaking the law, shut the stores down and punish the Bahamians that fronted for them. What a joke.

GodSpeed says...

They are culturally quite different from us. Just like they've flooded Turks and Caicos, we're in the process of losing this country too. Probably already too late tbh.

GodSpeed says...

Ask yourself, what would North Korea do with illegals? There's your solution.

GodSpeed says...

Just never take the right lane unless you're going right, that's what I do instead of worrying about getting cutoff by an idiot.

On Roundabout safety

Posted 6 March 2023, 10:19 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Yeah FOX News is a joke but cnn, abc, cbs, msnbc etc. are even worse, but I'm sure you eat up everything they say. All Fake News for the 🐑🐏🐑