Comment history

GodSpeed says...

The shantytown shouldn't even exist to burn down in the first place.

GodSpeed says...

Must be a joke. Find the jokers and make examples out of them.

On Death threats made against the Prime Minister

Posted 3 February 2023, 6:53 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Looks like I need to get a government job.

GodSpeed says...

Just keep them out of the Bahamas.

GodSpeed says...

Still can't write an article without talking about Trump I see.

GodSpeed says...

Don't you ever get tired of playing the victim? You should probably stop listening to whatever Black Israelite channel you're watching on Youtube, Facebook or other social media, nothing good will come of it. Blacks aren't the only people on this Earth to have been enslaved, literally every culture practiced slavery at some point and thankfully stopped it. And like I said before, they're still practicing slavery in Africa as I type this, yet all of you Black Supremacist, Pan-African, Black Power, Woke, Conscious or whatever-you-call-yourself types don't care about that, and don't pretend like you do! Because if people like you actually cared so much about slavery of Blacks you wouldn't be in the Bahamas, America, Europe etc. right now. You'd be in Africa fighting in solidarity to emancipate Blacks over there. You're nothing but a bunch of phonies and race hustlers hoping to pocket some free cash from White folks with a guilt trip about something that happened before they were born. All of the actual slaves and slave owners from the West are long dead. So time to move on and stop pretending, you are fooling nobody but yourself. 😃

GodSpeed says...

Who said that? Do you have some kind of complex?

GodSpeed says...

Give them reparations and they'll be right back begging for more money once it's gone. Also what exactly is "my kind" what are you saying hm?

GodSpeed says...

The Haitians even murdered the French that sympathized with them and supported them in their fight. The only whites they spared were the Poles. Look it up. This is common knowledge for anyone that knows anything about the Haitian Revolution. Obviously you don't even know the history you're talking about, not surprising.

GodSpeed says...

Too bad they killed all the French that helped them in their fight for independence. Doubt any French people will be going back there, ever.