Comment history

GodSpeed says...

Yes you're right. Our time as Bahamians is definitely running out thanks to an invasion of poor and uneducated Haitians that can't stop breeding.

GodSpeed says...

Trump wasn't unhinged. Biden however, is definitely senile.

GodSpeed says...

Since you care so much about slavery of Blacks/Africans maybe you should focus on eliminating slavery in Africa today. Because right as I type this there are Black Africans still enslaving each other but I don't see you talking about that, hypocrite. Slavery ended in the West a long time ago. As for "those countries responsible" don't forget the African countries that sold their fellow Black people to the White man. Guess they'll be paying too in your Dreamworld.

GodSpeed says...

Those White people you speak of know how to run a functioning society, that's why Haitians risk death to get to their country. I assure you if you took all those 12 Million Haitians and dropped them in Montana and took 12 Million White Americans you speak of and dropped them in Haiti, when you came back in 50 years, Haiti would be a functioning society and Montana would be a shithole. The problem with Haiti is Haitians.

GodSpeed says...

I wouldn't say I'm wishing for it. But they'd be better off that way. Obviously they can't run a functioning society. You keep blaming other countries for Haiti's situation but how are countries "still punishing them for fighting for their freedom from slavery"? Please do explain.

GodSpeed says...

Their problems could be solved if they simply stopped breeding children their country can't support. I mean at some point something should click in their brains to say maybe if I'm feeding my kids literal dirt to eat then I shouldn't have kids.

GodSpeed says...

The only way to fix them is to put them back under colonialism, maybe under the Chinese.

GodSpeed says...

Trump wasn't "unhinged" at all. In fact when he was in power North Korea stopped firing rockets and played nice with South Korea. Also he was also the only President in something like 5 decades to not start a new war. Now we have senile Biden trying to start WW3 with Russia.

GodSpeed says...

Buddy there have been countries that have been bombed to rubble and built back a functioning society. No reason why they can't get it together other than their own incompetence.

GodSpeed says...

OK United Nations, feel free to absorb the entire Haitian population since you like them so much. Take them to Brussels or New York or Paris, where ever the hell you're headquartered. You want a global government so bad to dictate to nations that are making ends meet. Why don't you go and govern hellholes like Haiti and show us what you can do UN? Go turn Haiti around instead of trying to govern nations that already have functioning governments. Don't tell us what to do!