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GodSpeed says...

What's the saying again.....oh yeah...**"ignorantia legis neminem excusat"** ...ignorance of law excuses no one. Obviously since SBF is politically connected in the US to Democrats they will attempt to get him off the hook. I'm sure a few threats from Joe Biden's government to the Bahamian government will see him walk easily. It's so funny how the mainstream US media has so obviously been treating this guy with extra soft gloves like he's a child, I wonder why? They sure go cutthroat against other people who have done way less damage.

On ‘I did not try to commit FTX fraud’

Posted 1 December 2022, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Dispose of the drug dealing murderers, whatever their nationality.

GodSpeed says...

Well at least someone made money off these scammers.

GodSpeed says...

Bey forget the Police, where the Bahamians were? You gonna stand by and let this bey rob and harass tourists in front of you? Those that are keeping this shaky nation afloat? Muddoes. Should have been 10 Bahamians beating that jonser into the ground. I only hope that guy is not a Bahamian, though it doesn't make the act any less infuriating. Attacking tourists is an attack on the Bahamian economy.

No wonder they tell the tourists to stay on the ship. Bay Street looks abandoned with all the boarded up buildings and disrepair, now it's got the brazen crime to go with it, no idea why tourists even walk those streets, I know I don't.

On Man snatching tourist’s purse caught on camera

Posted 16 November 2022, 10:36 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Okay, I was wondering why a lawyer was being put in the role where an accountant should be.

As for FTX, it's a shame. I hope many Bahamians didn't lose money but those who did are probably mostly the most wealthy and politicians who thought they had a clear inside to the biggest thing in the Bahamas.

GodSpeed says...

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On Sarkis warns: I’ll reveal ‘illegal kickback’ proof

Posted 11 November 2022, 8:26 a.m.

GodSpeed says...

What an embarrassment.

GodSpeed says...

Just imagine what this country is going to look like in 50 years, yikes! If Europe and America can't stop the flood of shithole invaders then there is no hope for somewhere like the Bahamas. Bahamians flee to the US and Canada and are replaced by Haitians, Jamaicans and the rest, oh well.

GodSpeed says...

Everything y'all see Americans doing you gotta copy.

On ALICIA WALLACE: Just who is in charge here?

Posted 2 November 2022, 6:22 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Why don't they tax all those gambling houses they illegally "legalized". They're useless anyway. Guess taxing them would take away from their bribe monies.