Comment history

GodSpeed says...

How many of them take the vaccine

GodSpeed says...

was thinking the same thing

On Legal action threat in Old Fort Bay row

Posted 24 October 2022, 6:02 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Price controls don't work and then when these food importing businesses close down there is not even close to sufficient local farming to feed the people. Looks like I will have to order food from the US in the future, already order almost everything else there. Pretty soon those overnight freight forwarders are going to be the food stores.

GodSpeed says...

The like the illegal Haitians, cheap labour.

GodSpeed says...

It doesn't take that long to get a vehicle licensed and inspected. Just go in the middle of your month and it's usually empty, a Lunch break is enough time. This is probably the last reason for people not having their stuff in order. Mostly cause they're broke. Insurance certificate can be obtained online. Haven't been in my insurance company's building since the pandemic started.

On Unlicensed and uninsured vehicles

Posted 7 October 2022, 4:45 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

There should be CCTV/surveillance cameras on every pole, this island is very small, you can monitor the whole thing and see the criminal from the second they leave their hovel to when they commit their crime and retreat back to it. Usually not one for mass surveillance but in the case of Nassau will make an exception.

GodSpeed says...

**"A crisis is when something is intense. It cannot be dealt with."**

Certainly feels intense to me, they're everywhere. The other day a security guard at Super Value was trying to say something to me I couldn't even understand what he was saying because of his Jamaican accent that was so thick. The packing girl couldn't even respond to good afternoon in English because she's fresh off the boat. Just the small walk through the food store and all you can hear is creole. Literally everywhere you go there they are. People are hiring them, giving them work that's why they keep coming. Just driving around Nassau and anyone you see doing menial labor can barely speak English. There's an army of them that work in Atlantis at nighttime like oompa loompas. Obviously people with means are benefitting from the cheap labor and are either politically connected businessmen or politicians themselves with businesses. God forbid you have to get rid of the illegals and pay a Bahamian a decent wage.

The problem is when they start reproducing like rats, creating a new generation that don't want to work like their parents did, living in poverty and turning to crime and gangsterism. This country is going to become like Turks and Caicos. Go to Turks and Caicos and try to find natives, good luck. You're mostly going to find Dominicans, Jamaicans and of course Haitians, who have turned the once quiet small place into a gang filled, drug trafficking warzone. Not too different from what the Bahamas is already but going to get a whole lot worse. I guess the native Bahamians will continue to flee to the US and Canada until there aren't any left here.

GodSpeed says...

Just keep the illegals out then Bahamians would have to be paid a decent wage to do the job.

GodSpeed says...

Damn, how'd the off duty cop let them get the drop on him? Should have shot and killed one immediately then you'd only have to focus on one. Probably hesitated to take them both in alive when killing that scum is doing society a favor.

GodSpeed says...

Many other nutjob vagrants are roaming the street corners everyday begging for change or muttering to themselves, nothing is done about it.