Comment history

GodSpeed says...

It will be a living nightmare if human beings ever accept purely digital currency controlled by the government and Central Bank then you are sure to be enslaved completely. When they want to punish you, they will shut you out of their system. When they want your "credits" they'll just take them right out of your balance. Won't be able to hide your cash anywhere. Mark of the Beast and completely control, yikes.

On ‘Free’ Sand Dollars to give currency lift

Posted 29 September 2022, 5:17 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Was he gay? Lots of violent gays.

GodSpeed says...

Can just lie and say you were raped and some will.

GodSpeed says...

I cringed when Davis told them that they have been polluting the atmosphere for centuries and must pay up.

On ‘Polluters must pay climate costs’

Posted 21 September 2022, 11:21 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Many of the drivers bought their license.

GodSpeed says...

Maybe figure out how to feed yourself first before worrying about becoming a republic.


Posted 11 September 2022, 10 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

That's what politicians do when they can borrow money on the backs of future generations. Waste, waste, waste.

On Demolition begins of domes in Abaco

Posted 9 September 2022, 9:58 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

She was the last one with some appearance of class and respect for her "job", even when she took the throne the Royals already lost their luster because of the actions of Edward VIII who abdicated to marry a divorcee. Charles isn't worthy of the role given his scandals and her grandchildren obviously don't want to be wrapped up in that responsibility, just end the clown show now before it really starts looking bad. Could save the British taxpayer a lot of money.

GodSpeed says...

Yep, If a Dorian hits Nassau in the same way it sat on the northern islands then this country is finished.

GodSpeed says...

We continue to pay more for less and with an ever decreasing quality of life. You'll pay double on average what an American pays for everything and get something of less or equal value. There is a lack of availability of jobs with livable wages causing a housing crisis combined with high unemployment. When I drive about and see the thousands of young people coming out of school I often wonder where are they going to work? The young that do go off to college, many never return, instead they are replaced with low skilled and largely uneducated illegals that can barely speak English. The sidewalks and thoroughfare are filled with beggars, bums, unemployed drunk men and the mentally ill. The roads are a congested mess as the overpopulation continues to swell. Violent crime exploding, the urban decay spreads everywhere, formerly active businesses board up and fall into disrepair, only to be replaced by the eyesore of number houses that actively target and suck money from single mothers. The tourist walk Bay Street to observe abandoned buildings and rot. The roads are filled with holes to destroy your vehicle and price of fuel is insane. Seems things are getting progressive worse and that's all before dealing with you own life issues. Don't kill yourself though 😎