Comment history

GodSpeed says...

$100 Million wow, gambling addicts made these guys the richest people in the Bahamas.

On Fox eyes $100m hotel after New York go-free

Posted 18 October 2021, 10:51 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Didn't see the talk of the UB professor but sounds like just another intellectual fool following the script of all the Marxist imbeciles in the US. Being woke is trendy but the reality is these statues are not oppressing anyone and taking them down isn't going to change what happened 500 years ago or help poor Bahamians in anyway whatsoever.

> "As a black person I have always
> disagreed with how black people hold
> onto slavery and use it as an excuse
> to hate white people. The point is
> slavery was terrible and wrong, but it
> is in the past."

Slavery isn't all in the past, slavery still exists today and is practiced openly in parts of Africa, blacks enslaving other blacks, just like they did when they sold our ancestors to Europeans. When all these intellectual fools start ranting about how bad slavery was, how evil all whites are, the legacy of slavery, "white supremacy" and why we should hate, ask them why don't they go and protest slavery that is actually happening right now as we speak? Surely people who spend their lives ranting about how horrible slavery of blacks was in the West over 100+ years ago couldn't lay their heads down at night and sleep well knowing that out there Blacks are still being chained up and locked in cages. Surely they would dedicate their time and life to fighting against slavery of blacks today?

I assure you when you confront these hypocrites with this reality they will deflect, turn the attention back to hating whites or disregard what you said entirely but they won't dwell on it at all since the cognitive dissonance is very uncomfortable. Of course they don't actually care about the injustice of slavery at all, just stirring up trouble and racial division, either willingly or as useful idiots, I'm guessing the latter.

On Leave our statues alone

Posted 13 October 2021, 11:24 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

no matter how many statues you break you can't erase the history of what happened....500 years before you were born. So find something contemporary to concern yourself with.

GodSpeed says...

I think this guy has been watching too much MSNBC and CNN

GodSpeed says...

The Punch had a good run. The social media gossip pages stole much of their thunder. Print is dying anyway.

GodSpeed says...

Are you actually incapable of writing an article without mentioning Donald Trump? Seems so. The senile pedophile Joe Biden is ***supposedly*** in charge for quite a while now, but nobody could tell from your writings. You don't even mention Biden's name once in your regurgitated MSNBC drivel. Well, since Biden is nothing but a mindless puppet I guess that checks out.

On STATESIDE: Every flag a memory

Posted 8 October 2021, 6:49 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

so true, they're like parrots

GodSpeed says...

Sounds great! are you gonna pay for it? 🤔

GodSpeed says...

US media hyped up these cases to make $$ and suddenly it's oh so important.

GodSpeed says...

So woke, I'm sure all those dead conquered people from 500 years ago are cheering you on 🤣

On ‘End Columbus celebration’

Posted 6 October 2021, 10:48 p.m. Suggest removal