Comment history

GodSpeed says...

> "Adrian is my friend"

That's really all it is right there. We all know how this goes.

On PM: 'No regrets' over Adrian Fox support

Posted 5 October 2021, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

> “no harm” and “no foul”

and no shame, don't forget that one.

On PM: No harm, no foul over Fitzgerald

Posted 5 October 2021, 1:26 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Why don't all you virtuous phonies legally adopt the Haitians and take care of all their needs since you supposedly care so much? Take a Haitian family into your home and pay for everything they need. Their health care, food, education etc. Take them into your homes and live with them in tolerance of all their backwardness and let them be your dependents. Sponsor them you hypocrites. Phonies like Fred Smith, should take in those 1000 Haitians, send them out Lyford Cay or whatever wealthy enclave he lives in, let them live in your yard.

But no, you liars and fakes would never ever do that will you? Instead you rather type your drivel about empathy so you feel good about yourself based on air. What you really want is for other people to pay for them who want nothing to do with your compassion nonsense. You'd rather the most vulnerable Bahamians live around them, put up with them and compete with them for work. You want others to pay the price for your idiotic delusions while you sit far away from the stench.

GodSpeed says...

>"Why is this conversation even taking place?"

Because we don't want Haitians flooding our country as we can not sustain them, we can barely take care of our own. Nobody says they're not human. 14 million of them, not even half a million of us.

On Inagua residents fear over refugees influx

Posted 30 September 2021, 8:24 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

well that's not good.

On Davis Gov’t ‘decider if we sink or swim’

Posted 30 September 2021, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

> “I feel like the government needs to
> find a mass of land to give them
> because they are spending more money
> having to take them back to Haiti and
> it’s going to be a problem for a very
> long time because in the space of one
> week you see how many of them came to
> Inagua?"

Are you insane woman?

All citizens of Inagua should be required by the government to keep firearms in their home as a last resort against this invasive and unpredictable pest. They keep coming, keep sending them back.

On Inagua residents fear over refugees influx

Posted 30 September 2021, 9:51 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Okay if you care so much then please taken in some Haitians into YOUR home and take care of them. Don't put the burden on the finances of others.

GodSpeed says...

yes and working for dirt cheap wages, that's why the rich in all countries love the illegal hordes.

GodSpeed says...

> "Haiti is struggling. When will the
> world finally give it the help it
> needs?"

Haiti doesn't need compassion, it needs discipline. If they can't take care of themselves then they shouldn't be a country. Maybe they should become a colony of China which can institute a dictatorship and force a 1 child policy until they get it together. Whatever happens just don't bring them here to turn this into Haiti #2, keep them out.

On EDITORIAL: Haiti needs the world’s help

Posted 29 September 2021, 11:51 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...
