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GodSpeed says...

The Democrats don't like voter ID, thumbs in ink or anything that ensures the integrity of the vote because then they can't cheat. Our elections in the Bahamas are more secure than America's all thanks to Democrats, it's a joke.

GodSpeed says...

You will agree it is peaceful, OR ELSE.

GodSpeed says...

lol still blaming whitey for all your problems?

GodSpeed says...

Cable Bahamas internet is too slow compared to BTC

GodSpeed says...

No cable TV since 2018, don't miss it. Anything you want to watch, you can find online for free. They should focus on increasing their internet speeds before I switch to BTC, Cable TV is dead.

GodSpeed says...

All the rich Americans fleeing Biden's America.

GodSpeed says...

dummies like you don't get it until it's too late, maybe visit Turks & Caicos, they're more Haitians over there now than Turks Islanders, at one point they had to call the British to stop the Haitian horde which was getting rowdy and ready to take over. Now the Turks Islanders are a minority in their own country and many of them leaving for the UK and US, this wasn't so just 50 years ago. The same fate is in store for the Bahamas.

GodSpeed says...

and whose fault is that exactly? when they're finished flooding the Bahamas with their people I wonder how much money future "Bahamians" will be making per day.

GodSpeed says...

The corporate mainstream media is garbage, it doesn't matter the political slant. It's designed not to report the news and give factual information but to feed out literal propaganda. You're better off listening to Christian news, "alternative news" and taking everything with a grain of salt. I will always remember the lies the mainstream western news spouted 24/7 to get the Iraq War up and going. A war that killed so many people and enriched the political elite. For me once that illusion is broken and you see them for what they are they are revolting. Meanwhile real journalists such as Julian Assange and Edward Snowden they demonize on behalf of the political elite and powerful that they threatened.

Really none of this is a problem if people are aware of what they are, but people actually TRUST these talking heads on TV, that's the big problem. How many times have we heard in 2020 "this was debunked by _______ news". Then the social media companies would shutdown people expressing free speech and discussion based on what the fake news media said. They would shut down discussion about the origins of the coronavirus just for political purposes when Trump was in office, calling it a "conspiracy theory" because they wanted all the blame it on who THEY chose. Now that he's out of office and out of their way, suddenly Covid Lab Leak is not a conspiracy theory anymore, because they say so. When much of the information linking Covid19 to the lab many of us "alternative news" folks were aware of long ago. It's not about the truth with these people.

They acted as the arbiters of the US election with social media companies saying nobody can call the election until these fake news media companies do. They don't deserve that kind of power because they're totally corrupt and immoral. When you're aware of what they're doing so much of their moves are painfully obvious. The biggest problem though is that people believe and trust the news media when almost everything they present to you in a way to deceive, and to control what and how you think, not report facts. In my eyes they have zero credibility, and they really don't. They have no journalistic standards or integrity. especially cnn.

On Where’s my CNN?

Posted 2 July 2021, 2:19 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

> "Who in their right mind would write,
> let alone believe, such rubbish?!!"

Someone that is indoctrinated by cnn, msnbc, abc etc. Notice the condescending tone that everyone in the world is too stupid to know what's good for them and only THEY know what's good for us. Also notice the arrogance to think they can bully people and tell them what to do. That comes straight from the media talking heads on TV. He's just a parrot.